Wednesday, July 3, 2024

You Do You

I really should get into the habit of writing posts at night instead of in the morning.  I'm better at writing at night.  My brain is more set for writing.  And my hands don't hurt.  (Plus, the cats aren't as interested in attracting my attention.)

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Everyone has their own way of writing. We're different people... Individuals.  And I like it that way.  Each of us our own little island, building bridges (and burning them) or using little boats to connect with other islands, but still wholly on our own. So it's no wonder that there are a billions of ways to get things done.

I write at night.  Some people write in the morning.  Others write throughout the day.  

I start at the beginning of a story and write straight through until I reach the end.  Other people write bits here and there, then sew the bits together like a glorious quilt.  I heard once that JK Rowling wrote the end of Deathly Hallows before she finished Philosopher's Stone (UK version of Sorcerer's Stone), so she knew exactly where she was headed with the whole series.

I never know where I'm headed.  Sometimes I think back over what I just wrote and wonder where the hell I'm going next.  (Sometimes I think back over it and wonder what the hell I just wrote.)  I have this thing where, if I plan out too much of the story ahead of time, I can't write it.  I need to not know where it's going.  It's almost like I'm telling the story to myself and if I already know where it's headed, I get bored with it.  

Some people would be horrified at my methods.  I'm sometimes horrified at theirs  :shrug:  I do me.  You do you.  As long as we all get where we're going, what does it matter how we get there?

Speaking of getting there, here are my stats for Day 2:

Starting Word Count - 5438
Ending Word Count - 6402
New Words = 964
Time: 45 minutes

1 comment:

  1. I like you doing you and me doing me and while our processes are WILDLY different, we still managed to get to The End. You, m'dear, are the epitome of a Pantser. And there are a lot of you (in one form or another) out there working away in their individual writing caves. I'm kinda like you. I don't get Plotters at all! My brain explodes at the thought. 🤯 Even though there are those who accuse me of being a semi-plotter. Nope. But that said, my brain manages to have all these series threads knotted up and feeds them out at the right time in the right book. I don't question, I just enjoy the fruits of the crazysauce.

    Congrats on the words! As much as I wish my cats would grant me snuggles, deep down, I appreciate that they don't distract me when I'm working (or attempting to work! LOL)

    You saw my stats. Two more regular-sized chapters, only a pittance of words but forward progress!

    Upward and onward! More words! More edits! (After a run to Ace Hardware for bird seed...)
