Friday, July 26, 2024

Gone Gadget & Quick JuLoWriMo Update

That gadget was a pain the ass, so I removed it.  Full disclosure, though, I've missed three days this month.  I'm up to 23513 words as of this moment.  That makes 18949 added so far this month.  It's not NaNo numbers, but I'm not kicking myself over any of it.  

With that, I'm calling it a night.  I'll be back in the morning to do my reading wrap-up.

1 comment:

  1. Good job and yeah, sometimes, the brain just needs a break. I hit 111,351 yesterday. Part of those words are notes on places, characters, and other admin stuff that will be subtracted once I hit the end and get it into final format. Still, progress! I've done at least something on the book all but one day. Yesterday was only like 25 words but I sat and stared at the monitor trying to figure out "What next?", "If this happens, then this?" and "Does this fit here or need to be kicked to the next chapter?" All part of the process and I'm at least BICHOK!

    Upward and onward!
