Monday, July 15, 2024

What a World

 What a world we're living in today, eh?  And while it is new it's certainly not brave.  Brave isn't cowering on a rooftop, taking potshots and people you don't agree with wounding some and killing others.  That just might be the poster-child for cowardice.  

Maybe some would consider it cowardice to sit idly by and watch shit happen around you without lifting a finger to stop it.  Some days I feel like a coward because I cannot take up arms against this ever-increasing sea of troubles and end them.  Other days, I just feel powerless.  I would rise up and fight, but what difference would the actions of one little old gimpy white woman actually have any effect on?  

I could stop paying taxes in protest.  Well, the income I made at the day-job was taxed before it got to me.  And, let's face it, the untaxed income from my book sales wouldn't even be a molecule in a drop in the puddle.  "Whoa, look out, B.E. Sanderson didn't claim her $47 dollars this year!  The government can no longer function."  Umm, yah.

I guess I could rile up the populace.  If we all stopped paying our taxes together, we might get noticed.  Unfortunately, if the people within my sphere of influence all stopped paying their taxes, it would be like a fleabite on a T-Rex.  It's there, but not really noticeable.  I could work at getting more noticed, but I fear that any attempt to gather together people like me would only get me noticed by the government and their lackeys :cough: FB:cough: and put on some list where I'm blocked, banned, or jailed.

I do wish I could harken back to the old days.  Take up arms, fight against this tyranny like the men who built what was once a great nation.  Throw some tea in the harbor and actually make a difference.  

I'm all for voting.  The last presidential election pretty much showed where that gets us.  I'll still vote, but I have no illusions that it will make any damn difference.  I'm also for voting with your dollars.  I'm sure the companies I no longer spend at are feeling the burn.  Not.  I don't have enough dollars to make a difference there either.  Oh, some of the places have felt the collective burn from many of us voting with our dollars.  Some have reversed their stupid policies to please their customer base.  It's something, but not enough of anything.

I'm not sure what the answer is.  Keep plodding along and living our lives the best way we're allowed to until the feds show up and tell us we can't live that way anymore, I guess.  Unless a whole lot of us all over the country stand up at once together and say "we're not going to take it anymore:, it'll be what it is.  

Sorry for the downer post.  It's not really as bad in my little world as elsewhere.  I'm supremely grateful I don't live in a city at all and that I live in a state that's still pretty free as states go.  I can't wrap my brain around why anyone would still want to live in California, for instance.  One good thing I did was to get the hell out of Colorado.  At least my tax dollars are no longer funding anything in that leftist sinkhole.  :shrug:

Anyway, have the best day you can out there.  Fight the good fight where you can fight it.  And hold tight to each (and to your principles) and maybe we can make it through this.  

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo stats
Starting Word Count: 14098
Ending Word Count: 15018
New Words: 920


  1. 🤗 Yeah, pretty much what you said. I'm lucky. I live in state where there is Indian Sovereignty and we adjoin a state that was once a republic. Which the USA is. A republic. NOT a democracy. Anyway, the tribes and that other state's constitution say we can secede from the Union. I even started writing a book about that happening. I should finish it and get it published. Talk about dystopian! Let me know if you ever want to read the two sections mostly finished. There's a third story for the trilogy (1 volume).

    Anyway, hang in there. Keep your head down and I'll keep my powder dry. They knock on my door, we'll know who the actual facists are... Just sayin'...

  2. re: I would rise up and fight, but what difference would the actions of one little old gimpy white woman actually have any effect on?

    I feel the same way. I've had people scold me for not being more vocal, but how would it help to add more noise? No one listens anyway unless you're a celebrity or a lunatic.

    For myself, I try to take care of me and mine. It's the only real power I have.
