Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Jealous of Younger Women? Nah.

This morning, I saw a meme on FB that went something like 'for all the twenty-somethings who think older women are jealous of them, enjoy your next 240 periods.'  

Jealousy is an odd little monster.  So, yeah, I guess there could be younger women thinking older women are jealous of them.  It's a silly thought.  First off, who cares?  Second, it would be perfectly natural if we were.  For starters, they still have long lives ahead of them - and they're closer to the beginning than the end.  They probably don't have to put their glasses on to read labels at the grocery store.  Hell, they probably don't care what's on the labels at the grocery store because they don't need to watch their salt intake or their cholesterol. They can stay up late and go to work the next morning without looking like an extra in Jackson's Thriller video.  (And they might not even know what I'm talking about there.)  So, yeah, older women might, in fact, be jealous of them.

The whole 'enjoy your next 240 periods' thing does indicate a bit of jealousy.  They have what you want, so you wish them ill.  :shrug:

Personally, I'd love to be younger... Scratch that.  I don't actually want to BE younger.  Rather, I'd love to have my body still work as well as it did when I was younger.  I'd like to be able to eat whatever I want and not gain weight.  Or if I did gain weight, just start increasing my activity and have the weight melt off.  I'd like perky boobs again.  I'd like to not have to put my glasses on to read a label or write a check or see my freakin' computer screen.  I want my joints to not ache.  I want my intestinal track to work with efficiency again.  

The rest of being younger?  They can keep that.  I don't mind my gray hairs.  I earned those.  And I don't really have any wrinkles to speak of, but if I did, I would've earned those, too.  

Still, I don't think I'm actually jealous of younger women.  Like I said, there are things I miss about being younger.  But to me, that doesn't rise to the level of jealousy.  I don't begrudge them their youth.  Have at it.  Enjoy it as much as you can because it doesn't last forever.  

If you're older, what do you miss about being young?  What can you live without?  If you're young, is there anything you think you'll miss when you get this old?


  1. I miss being able to recover quickly. In my youth, I'd be running around the next day after a sprained ankle. The flu would only knock me down for a couple days.
    Today I yawn too wide and my jaw goes out of whack. LOL.

    I'm not jealous, but I do think they're being fools wasting energy and money on things that in the long run aren't worth it. They'll find out soon enough.

  2. Dang, woman. You go all philosophical on me today. I've had 3 cups of coffee but definitely need more now! 😉

    I never felt--or looked my age. At 18, I looked (and probably acted) 25 and never got carded. At 40, I looked and acted 30. At 55, I looked and acted maybe 35. Then I hit 60. Okay, I still acted 18 but I looked...older. Not so much wiser, but older. It helped that my hair turned silver in my late 30s, but the face and body began to show the signs. Even at 70, I was doin' pretty good at holding my own. Then I got sick. And things went to hell in a handbasket in a hurry. Thankfully, I'm still thinking a bit younger but my body looks and acts waaay older than my now 71. Spending my b-day in the hospital sucked. Anyway, I have no clue where I'm going with this.

    If I was able to time travel, I might sneak back and give my younger self some advice. Would that self take it? Maybe, maybe not. There's no way I'd ever want to go back to that age and stay, especially being young today. *shudders* 😱 Just say no. Am I jealous of them? Nope. Do I miss my periods? Nope and thank the Universe for early menopause! I think the only thing I miss about being young is the ability to sleep anywhere, any time, and for a long period of time. Yeah, that I DO miss. 😴
