Friday, July 19, 2024

Relief Valve

All in all, I'm a pretty happy person.  Okay, so I do like to bitch, but that's more of a relief valve than anything else.  Open up the valve, let the bitchiness out, and voila! everything is happier.  Holding stuff in is never good, if you ask me.

It's the same with writing.  I mean, it's a relief valve.  It's a relief valve in a couple of ways, though.

One, if I am feeling kinda GAH!! I can sit down here, type words, and the GAH!! slowly drains onto the paper.  I have this shirt that says 'WRITING because murder is wrong'.  It's not incorrect.  (No, if I wasn't writing, I wouldn't turn into a mass murderer or anything, but it helps.)  If someone pisses me off, I can just kill off a character or write a really tense scene.  Get it out and get on with my life.  And the plus is that some really good writing can come out of it.  

The other way it's a relief valve is that there are times when I need to get words out.  They're all jammed up in my head like mental constipation, and I need to put them onto paper (or a white area on my screen) or I just don't feel right.  This is what happened for the past two years.  I had so many things I needed to get onto paper, but I just couldn't.  This, of course, meant that after the bloke stopped, I have been laying down a lot of writing sessions.  Not long ones, because my hands still aren't up to that, but almost daily.  

My brain is also throwing all sorts of scenes at me from several different stories.  And I'm all like 'I can only write one book at a time here, dude'.  The dam has broken and things are flowing like they ought to.  Per Hubs when I told him, "Good.  This is what you're supposed to be doing with your life."

Do you use a relief valve from time to time?  What is it?  

1 comment:

  1. Have I mentioned that I love your Hubs? In a strictly platonic and admiring from afar way. 😉

    I totally get the word jam, the overeager characters jabbering all at once so it sounds like a Chuckee Cheeses with 10 different birthday parties on crack up in there, the need to get it all out and the random scenes that I have no clue where in the WIP they fit or even what world they fit in. I have scads of notes and finally created a Scrivening just for those scenes. The problem becomes remembering all those random scenes I wrote. 😵

    I'm glad you are writing again. I'm glad I am writing again. Despite the occasional blips. And I agree with Hubs. Good. This is what you are supposed to be doing with your life!
