Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday Reading Wrap-up 7/13/24

Hello again.  It's Saturday and that means time for the reading wrap-up.  Yay!

No new books this week, but that's okay.  I've got plenty to keep me busy for a while.

Books Read:

11) Sweet Smell of Revenge by Pam Clifford (7/10/24) - mystery* - 4 stars.  New to me but not underappreciated.  Picked this up for free from a post on the Crime Fiction Addicts page.
No Review.

10) The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brook (7/8/24) - Fantasy - 5 stars.  Neither new to me nor underappreciated, although I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would give this one star.  Heathens.  I picked this up used off Amazon for $5.84.
Review: "I finally got a new paperback copy of this. Still just as awesome."

No DNFs this week.

Currently reading... an Agatha Christie paperback - The Pale Horse.  It's not her usual fare and it's a tad weird, but I'm muddling through.

What was on your reading plate this week?

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo stats 7/12/24:
Starting word count: 12791
Ending word count: 13285
New words: 494

1 comment:

  1. It was something of a slow week for me as I can't listen to a book when I'm working on my own. I finished 2 books which at 23 on the year, leaving me still 3 books behind schedule of my 50-book goal.

    23 - Passion Unleashed (Demonica, #3), Larissa Ione, UF/ParaRom, relisten, 4 stars

    22 - Desire Unchained (Demonica, #2) Larissa Ione, UF/ParaRom - reread, still 5 stars

    Currently listening to the 4th book in the series, ECSTASY UNVIELED. Not sure how far I'll get into the whole series. There are a LOT of books and while it's enjoyable at the moment, I find that sometimes, back-to-back series reading/listening can become repetitious. Still have a couple of weeks before new releases hit.

    Happy reading! Off to edit for now. And maybe a bite of lunch...
