Friday, July 5, 2024

Freebie Friday

Oopsie... I splashed this all over Facebook yesterday and then totally forgot to say anything about it here.  Project Hermes is FREE as of yesterday and through the end of Monday.  Worldwide.  

Here's what I posted yesterday:

Starting today, PROJECT HERMES - a political / medical thriller - is FREE.  (Always free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.)  It's a big book with big ideas, but readers say it's also a fast read. 

It's the little things that kill

The highest levels of the government believe Project Hermes is the best way to control America’s immigration problem. A simple microchip carrying a citizen’s information will allow officials to sort out who belongs—and who doesn’t. Harmless.

Unless the chip carries more than just information. 

I kinda suck at this marketing thing.  Otherwise, you'd also know that Accidental Death is now only 99c.  Not a deal, it's just priced that way now.  Loss leader and all that.  I'll be having a sale on Natural Causes soon.  

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 3:

Starting word count: 6854
Ending word count: 7685
New words: 525

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great thriller! And scary! People who like this stuff definitely need to grab it but they should pay for it so you can afford to write more! 😉
