Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunday Update 7/7/24

Sorry I'm late, but I had marketing stuffs to do.

In writing news, I'm plugging along on Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo - writing every day whether I feel like it or not.  Like last night and the night before... totally did not feel like writing.  Did it anyway.  More about that on Monday.  Since 7/1, though, I've added 3772 words to Duke #2.  So basically, this is working.  It doesn't add up to a lot of time spent writing, but that's good for me for now.  My hands need to get used to the activity or I'll write a whole bunch and then spend the next day in pain - which will make me not want to write, which will keep my hands atrophied...  It's a vicious circle.  

In other writerly news, I've been doing a shitload of marketing.  Project Hermes - Kindle version -  is free. I've been posting to various FB groups about it.  Thus far, I've moved 60 copies and I still have two days to go.  Last time I looked, PH was #4 in one of the ranking lists - either medical thriller or conspiracy theory.  I'm really hoping this will equate into KU page reads.  

In other other writerly news, I discovered some issues with the paperbacks I imported from CreateSpace eons ago.  More about that tomorrow.  Suffice it to say, it's taken up hours of my time these past couple days and I ain't done yet.  Derp.

On the reading front, I finished a couple books last week and I'm most of the way through a large book.  I've also picked up some new ebooks, so yay.

I wasn't the most active person this past week.  I walked once and did some gardening one morning.  Weight: 170.4

Last Sunday, I made an apple crisp.  Woohoo.  Then on Monday, I made an awesome pork roast in the crockpot.  Best one yet.  Yummers.

Basically, I'm a boring person.  But if you've been here long enough, you either know that or you think otherwise.  Thanks for staying with me either way. LOL

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 6
Starting word count: 8210
Ending word count: 9040
New words: 830

1 comment:

  1. Yay for words, boo on hands, yay for books--good numbers! Hope it means real sales, page reads, and reviews! Mmm. Good cookin'.

    I got no words yesterday. I'll double up today. 1st Saturday plus 4 soccer games. By the time we got home, I was stick-a-fork-in-me done. Speaking of marketing, I need to get a newsletter out and do some FB/X posts because all my books are 1/2 price at Smashwords for their Summer/Winter July sale. I was sick during the winter version so no marketing and no sales.

    It's raining here. Yay. We need it! A cloudy, wet day in July is a joy. That and coffee. And a good audio book. work! It ain't gonna get done if I don't do it.

    Up and on!
