Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Digging in the Tree Again

 Ancestry.com got me again.  They made me an offer I couldn't refuse, so I'm back to digging in the tree again.  Well, trees actually, because I do my family and Hubs' family and Owl's family from her paternal side.  I also did a tree for my sister's ex-husband's family so she could have it for her kids/grandkids.  Hell, I'd do anyone's trees if they asked me and were willing to pay me for my time.  They'd only need to provide me with information that I can use to research.  It's fun.

In case you didn't know it, I'm a writer and writers love research.  At least this writer loves research.  

Anyway, I've got a three-month membership this time, so no hurry for me like there was in the past with one-month memberships.  I'm not sure how much more I can discover, but it's an interesting pursuit.  I've been spending some time this time trying to learn about my great-uncle Ray.  He was in WWII in the Pacific.  He was also married 5 times and I don't have much information about his wives, so there's that.  My mom didn't even know the names of two of them, so I did give her that info.  

So, I do have these little projects.  For instance, we don't know what happened to Hubs' great-grandfather after his divorce from great-grandma S in the early 1900s.  He just sort of disappeared.   I'm trying to figure out where he went.  I'm also trying to figure out when the Sandersons came to America but I haven't made it back farther than the 1800s because it just sorta stops there.  It's a mystery.  And I do love me a mystery.

The really hard things are looking for information BEFORE ancestors came to the US.  My grandfather was a tot when he came here, so information about his parents prior to their arrival, and any information about their parents, etc. is hard to find and even harder to read because it's all in German.  My maternal great-grandmother came here as a baby, and she wasn't really talkative about things when she was alive, so finding ANYTHING about her family and their life before is damn near impossible.  I keep trying, though.  Someday maybe I'll find it.

So, in addition to writing this month, I'll also be doing genealogy.  Woohoo.  Nothing like a challenge.

Speaking of writing, here are my stats from yesterday:

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 8:
Starting word count: 10026
Ending word count: 11063
New words: 1057


  1. Whoohoo! 1+K word day. Good on you! Being adopted, my geneology is ALL discombobulated. Also, when I did the genetics test, they set up and account when LG already had one and had been working on both my biological and my adoptive trees and there was (at that time) no way to transfer that info to his account. It's a pisther(sic). All the notices I get have to do with biology but there's no way to connect. Ah well. Y

  2. Well...that was weird...

    To finish my thought, you and LG could compare notes on techniques. Hubs and I could nod and then roll our eyes at each other. LOLOL Enjoy your three months!

    Upward and onward!
