Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Update 7/14/24

 Welp, it's Sunday again.  If you don't know what happened in the news yesterday, some asshole tried to assassinate Trump.  He'll be fine and at least two other people fared much worse.  If you want to know more, there are a million articles about it out there now.

Onward to my world...

I wrote every day but one this week.  I took Tuesday off.  Still, I ended the week with 5058 new words added, and the book is at 14098 total.  I'm trying to remember to make a little note about Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo at the end of every blog post here, but I'm also adding it the widget over there on the right.  In addition to actually putting words on the page, I have notes of things that may or may not happen farther done the storyline, which is always a good thing to have.  It's kind of money in my writing bank.

The PROJECT HERMES freebie thing ended with me moving a total of 82 books.  No sales or page reads off this yet.  (And if it hasn't happened by now, it most likely won't.)  Derp.  

In reading news, I finished two books this week and I'm currently working on an Agatha Christie I've never read before.  Yay.

I didn't do too much in the activity column.  Two days walking, one day cleaning and rearranging my closet.  (I cleaned and rearranged my closet because Hubs found a brown recluse spider in our bed, so I made it a less welcome environment.)  I also cleaned other areas of the house that day.  Also, I went grocery shopping, which sorta counts as an activity because it involves a lot of walking and pushing the cart, etc.  

On the baking front, I didn't.  It's too hot to bake.  I did make a batch of no-bake cookies, though.  Also, yay.

The fawns are getting bigger and we're seeing them more frequently.

I really need to clean the house today.  Regular cleaning as opposed to 'OMG there's a nasty spider in our bed better clean where I don't usually clean' cleaning.  I also need to figure out my next move in the book marketing scheme of things.  I'll probably go with the genie books.  We'll see.  Right now, though, I should probably get dressed and go for a walk before it gets ungodly hot again.  

What happened in your world last week?  

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 13
Starting Word Count: 13285
Ending Word Count: 14098
New Words: 813

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday was crazy. And the conspiracy nonsense coming from certain quarters made me actually block some people today. If they are that stupid, I don't have room in my life for their nonsense. Anyway...

    Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo. You're making EXCELLENT progress and yay for future ideas for plot points in the book. I spent a frustrating week but I'm finally back on track. Problem is, I had to move chapters and do some cutting, pasting, and additions so I'm totally lost on the word total/progress. 🙄🙄🤣🤣🤣 Typical for me.

    It's hot. And I'm doing laundry. The birds cleaned out the leftover feral cat kibble on the porch yesterday. Cats who stroll by at night were disappointed. This morning, the birdbath was full of black birds. Not sure what they were. Not grackles--smaller. Anway, Jake wanted them out of his drink. Again with the 🙄. The birdbath is set into a circe of sandstone rocks so the squirrels and othre "suburban woodland" critters who trail through the backyard. They also use the water bowl on the porch for the cats.

    Not much else going on. I need to figure out if I'm going to have elevenses or wait for lunchtime. Decisions, decisions.

    Upward and onward!
