Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday Reading Wrap- up 7/20/24

 Books Read:

13) Mystery of the Haunted Pool by Phyllis A. Whitney (7/19/24) - YA mystery - 5 stars. I'd never read this before, but I love the writer, so I wouldn't exactly call this new to me or underappreciated.  Found this at a thrift store on sale 2 for 25c.
Review: "What a fun story. Well-written, interesting, with sympathetic characters. Then again, I love Phyllis A. Whitney. I wish I'd known this existed when I was 12."

12) The Pale Horse by Agatha Christie (7/15/24) - mystery* - 4 stars.  I hadn't read this before, but it's Christie, so not new to me or underappreciated.  Found this at a thrift store for $1.
Review: "Not your usual Agatha Christie novel.  It started out weird, but it was all resolved quite well by the end.  I still prefer Poirot, though."


7/17/24 - cozy mystery - free.  Oh, great Godfrey Daniels.  Not every single thing needs to be described ad nauseum.  If they open a door, I assume they closed it.  I don't care about the backstory of every character.  Or if it really is necessary, make it interesting.  Mary's cat died last year and they were all sad about it and wondering if she would ever get another cat because she must be so lonely, so she gets a cat.  :yawn:  Unless Mary's new cat killed the victim and is now using Mary's place as a hideout, I don't care.

7/15/24 - romance - free.  I swear to everlovin' pete, if one more writer describes their character as wearing Manolo Blahnik* shoes, I will explode.  It's like it's the only brand of shoe these people know.  And by the way, I don't give a hoot what brand shoe someone is wearing.  *proof of that: had to google the spelling of the dude's name. *further proof: didn't know it was a dude until just now

Currently Reading... Cinder by Marissa Meyer.  I'm on pg 136 (at the time I wrote this post) and it's really good so far.  Fingers crossed it stays that way.  And this book is totally not what I thought it would be.  Surprising and good.  Score.

What have you been reading lately?

1 comment:

  1. This has not been a good week for me. Writing and life kept me away from the audio book. I'm probably back to being 4-5 books behind on my goal. I'm still on #4 which I was just starting last week. After zipping through the first 3, this one seems to be dragging a little. I'll probably move to a Nalini Singh series to relisten to a few of the latest since a new release arrives Tuesday and I'll need to refresh my memory. That happens with 20+ book series. LOL

    Psst Now I'm gonna have t'go back in the WIP because I think I have some open and closed doors. LOLOL
