Thursday, July 4, 2024


Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo... Day Three.  Or as I like to call it 'The Day of the Suckage'.  I wrote 298 words worth of total crap last night... then I deleted 208 of them and started over.  I had a net gain of 452.  And even those aren't my best.  

But that's all okay.  It's all about giving myself permission to suck.  As I've said before - still true even though it's been a while since I've said it - you can fix suck.  What you can't fix is a blank page.  You gotta put the words down before you can fix anything.  

I guess last night I just wasn't feeling it.  Like I said, that's okay.  I started off down a wrong trail and it felt wrong, so I deleted it.  I set off down another trail.  Not sure if this one is right either, but it's less wrong than the other one.  I should be able to find my way tomorrow.  We'll see.  If this one is wrong, too, I'll fix that.  

Let the suckage flow.  The good stuff will come out eventually.

Oh, and Happy Independence Day.  This day will be spent like any other, but it is a holiday.  I'd be more inclined to celebrate if I were happier about where this country is right now.  Maybe I'll just celebrate it as my own independence and leave it at that.  

1 comment:

  1. 🤗 Yeah, we need to cheer even the suckage because at least it is words. I'm not progressing very fast either. I want massive new words. I want to hit The End. But to get there, I have to reset my memory (which gets harder as I get older 🙄 ) so I know I AM on the right track when I get to the puzzle pieces still hanging out ready to fit into the framework.

    Totally with you on the state of affairs. 🤞🏼 things get better in 2025. In the meantime, I have Lee Greenwood and Toby Keith on a loop in my brain and plans to get through many more chapters today! Happy Independence Day!
