Saturday, July 6, 2024

Saturday Reading Wrap-up 7/6/24

Well, here we are again.  Between the holiday and the stay-at-home life, I have little idea what day it is anymore.  Independence Day didn't help.  But yay, I remembered today was Saturday.  Not that I have a lot to talk about, but at least I remembered.

I picked up 4 new ebooks this week - 2 mysteries, an urban fantasy, and a romance.  Woohoo.  No more new hardcopies for a while after last weekend's book binge.

Books Read:

9) Midnight Clear by Silver James (7/1/24) - SF Holiday Romance* - 5 stars.  Not new to me but definitely underappreciated. Paid full price at the time - $1.99
Review: "A totally different premise from Silver James, but in keeping with all of her books, this was awesome. I bought it and downloaded it when it came out, but I just now finally got Amazon to put the darn thing on my Kindle. As soon as it was actually on there, I inhaled this story. It rocked. I loved it - loved the characters, the premise, and the romance."

8) Hercule Poirot's Casebook by Agatha Christie (6/30/24) - mystery - 5 stars.  Neither new to me, nor underappreciated.  Picked this up for $2 at the thrift store.
Review: "This is a total binge on Hercule Poirot and I loved every minute of it."

No DNFs this week.

Currently Reading... The Elfstones of Shannara by Terry Brooks.  One of my favorite books of all time.  I just shelled out for a paperback copy so, of course, I'm reading it again.  Yay.  When this is done, I'll pick out one of the ebooks to read.

What was on your reading list this week?  

ETA: I forgot the update on Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 5.  Oops.

Starting word count: 7685
Ending word count: 8210
New words: 525


  1. Awwww. Thanks! That was a fun one to write and now I have a new earworm for today. LOL Reading/listening...I did some. I'm up to 21 books on the year which puts me only 4 books behind schedule in my *massive* goal of 50. I listened to 2 books this past week and started a 3rd.

    21. Pleasure Unbound - Larissa Ione, 4 stars, Urban Fantasy. First book in her Demonica series and I haven't read/listened to it since 2017 and came across it in a newsletter. Curiosity was piqued so I grabbed the audio from the library. It holds up for me but dark and dirty.

    20. Random in Death - JD Robb, 5 stars. futuristic suspense. This is #58 in the series and released this spring. It made me cry a couple of times. That's a good thing.

    Currently reading: Ione's DESIRE UNCHAINED, the second book in Demonica. Not sure how far I'll go with the series but it's cool for now while I'm waiting on a couple of new releases coming next week.

    Writing: Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo update: 2 chapters, edited, about 100 words net gain in almost 7K words edited. Monday will have all the weekend stats. Not sure how much will get done today--soccer and 1st Saturday.

    Upward and onward!

  2. I've had 2 books on the go this week, completely different. The Wake-Up Call by Beth O'Leary and The Seven Ages of Death by Dr Richard Shepherd. The first is OK, not as good as her first book The Switch but readable. The second is blooming amazing, if you like forensic science, or just plain science. He was one of the UK's top forensic pathologists and I read the first 200 pages in one hit and didn't want to put it down to go to bed. Totally fascinating.
