Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Looking Forward to the Olympics

I'm not sure if you pay attention to these things, but the Olympics are coming up.  Over the weekend, Hubs and I were watching the Olympic Trials in Men's Gymnastics, Women's Gymnastics, and a bit of the Track and Field.  They picked the teams for the gymnastics and those are fine.  Not great, mind you, but fine.  We'll see how they stack up against the competition later this month.  

I'm not sure how they go about picking the actual individuals that get sent for the teams.  I get the whole highest overall score thing, but even that seems a little odd to me.  I know there were several individuals who rocked harder in their specific event more than others who didn't make the team.  Sad that, really.  I'm all about the individual, so... :shrug:

I was really pulling for this one girl - Tiana.  I thought she was pretty much flawless in her execution, but I guess her difficulty wasn't high enough to get the points.  Personally, I'd rather see someone nail their routine with a lower difficulty then flub the thing with a higher difficulty, but that's me.  Flawless execution is a thing of beauty on its own without all the extra tricks that may or may not come off.  Jus' sayin'.

There was another girl - Joscelyn - that reminded me of Mary Lou Retton.  She made the team as an alternate. I expect she'll kick ass at the trials in 4 years.  

The new blood to watch on this year's team will be Hezly.  She's a little spitfire.  

I don't remember much about the guys, to be frank.  In that case, I was rooting for Shane Wiskus.  He only made it as an alternate and he looked kinda crushed.  Frederic did well and he's probably our best shot for a medal.  I wish him the best.  

Previously, we'd watched the swimming trials.  Katie is kicking ass as usual.  I love to watch her.  She makes it look like she's just out for a swim and she's so far away from the other swimmers it's like she's swimming alone.  

All in all, I'm looking forward to the Olympics.  How about you?

And for my own 'Olympics', here are my stats from Day One of Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo

Starting Word Count - 4564
Ending Word Count - 5438
New Words = 874
Time: 35 minutes

I also put a widget up there on the right to keep track.  

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on writing, the widget, and progress!!! High fives rather than finger shaking. 😉

    I used to watch the Olympics and then they took away softball (it comes back in 2028), show the modern pentatholon and equestrian events at weird times on weird channels or only streaming sites, and the athletes decided to get political on the medal stands too often for my tastes. Add in that some women's events will be unfair due to "pressure" from outside groups...OH! And how the holy heckfiire is breaking (formerly called break dancing) a SPORT!!!????!! Yeah. Don't care much though I am glad Simone overcame the "yips," got her head back on straight (a gold-medal feat right there 10 out of 10!) and is doing so well.

    You saw my stats already so I'll just add I edited a gnarly long chapter and had a net gain of 41 words. Hoping for 2 or 3 chapters today. Upward and Onward!
