Thursday, July 18, 2024

Thursday This n That

 I woke up late today, and I'm not all that bright yet, so bear with me.

Also, both cats are currently desirous of my attentions.  Finn wants loads of pets and so does Sawyer.  Makes it hard to type. Okay, now Finn has gone to eat and Sawyer got distracted.  

It's been over a month since I resigned.  I'm still thinking about the day-job, but not as often and it's all got a fuzzy haze around it like a flashback in an old movie.  

Our phone went out again.  It was out when I tried to call my mom Monday morning.  They said they'd have at tech out to look at it today between 8 and 5.  Then yesterday, I picked up the phone to see if by some miracle we got it back early and it said 'missed call'.  Strange because we hadn't heard it ring.  Still, I was all like 'yay, we have phone again'.  Later, the phone starts lighting up like someone is calling, but it's not ringing.  Well, crap, who turned the ringer off?  Turns out nobody.  Whatever magical crap is carried on the line to make the phone ring ain't being carried.  It's also not triggering the caller ID onto my TV like it's supposed to.  Good thing I didn't cancel the appointment, eh?

Not working means a bit of belt tightening for the foreseeable future.  It's okay.  It's good for me to get back into being budget-minded.  It's still less stressful then working.  

Speaking of belt-tightening, I ordered a meat grinder.  Got it on Prime Day sale and there was a 20% off coupon attached, so a $39.99 meat grinder was only $20 something.  Yay.  I picked up something else, too, to get free shipping, so cha-ching.  Anyway, with ground beef being so damn expensive, I figure I can save money.  That grinder will pay for itself in no time.  By the way, it's a hand grinder.  No electricity needed - just good ol' muscle power.  

Speaking of free shipping, I keep getting a notice from Amazon that I spent $11 last year in shipping, so I should really consider getting Prime.  Umm, Prime is like $14.99 a month, isn't it?  I think I'll carry the $11 a year shipping burden, thank you very much,  Sure, I'd like to get my packages quicker and be able to get some of those deals they talk about, but not when it involves a monthly fee.  Budget here, people.

Okay, I've run out of time this morning.  Time to call the mama and then decide if today is grocery day or not.  I love not having to shop on the weekends, lemme tell ya.  

Have a great day, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. So the phone works in that you can get and make calls? I swear the gremlin crop is big this year! Hope Mama is doing well. Glad the job is fading into only an occasion daymare. I have Prime and it would probably be cheaper to just pay for shipping but LG watches stuff on Prime Video so there's that.

    I fear I've become a news junky again. The silly season is well and truly upon us and I can't help myself. What can I say? I was goverment/political science major in college.

    Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo is going. I've managed at least 1 chapter a day--often more, except for one day. And I doubled up the following day. I'm about halfway through what's already written but no clue where I am in the ultimate length of the book. I'll start on Chp. 27 this afternoon, after I do my 250 new words for the Thursday Threads flashfiction challenge. That keeps me from chomping at the bit and ignoring what's already there to write new stuff. I did tie up one thread yesterday. Yay.

    Pete isn't feeling up to his normal self. Not sure what's up. He isn't eating and is very lethargic but drinking water. We'll give him another day to see if whatever it is passes. Loki is known for not eating for a day or two and then he roars back and eats everything in sight to make up for it.

    I haven't listened to my current "read" all week. I need to make time for that as it's a library book and time is ticking.

    Don't have much else to say. The weather is awesome for July! It's currently only 84 with 51% humidity. That's almost fall-like for us! Maybe I'll take a break and go sit in the yard and listen to my book for awhile this afternoon.

    Have a great day and tomorrow is TGIF!
