Saturday, July 27, 2024

Saturday Reading Wrap-up 7/27/24

Mornin' Folks.  I hope you're all doing well and awesome reading weeks.

I picked up one new book this week and paid full price for it.  I got The Sword of Shannara.  It's for my collection.  Now I have all three of the initial trilogy.  Go me. 

Books Read:

15) The Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie (7/24/24) - mystery - 5 stars. I hadn't read this one before, but it's Christie.  I picked this up for $1 at the thrift store.
Review: "This one starts off a little slow and a lot confusing, but it pulls together neatly and in the end is quite the satisfying mystery."

14) Cinder by Marissa Meyer (7/21/24) - SF dystopian - 4 stars.  New to me but not underappreciated. This one I got on a 2 for 25c sale at a thrift store.
Review: "
I've been meaning to read this for a while now, and I was lucky enough to find this at a thrift store. (All apologies to Ms. Meyer. I know authors need sales, but if it hadn't been for the thrift store, I wouldn't have bought it at all and thus couldn't be leaving this review.)

I think this was a pretty good retelling of the Cinderella story. Dystopian science fiction well worth reading. It had a very gripping plot, told excitingly. I enjoyed the characters, the premise, and the plot. Okay, so the surprising plot twists weren't really all that hard to figure out ahead of time. (I won't ruin it for others by mentioning them here.) It had some sad parts that I didn't think were super necessary to the storyline, but that's the writer in me - always wanting to change things for the happier. The point is the telling of the story made me feel things and almost made me cry, so that's a win on any author's score sheet.

I have the second book in this series lined up for reading, but I think I'll let that lay for a little while."


7/26/24 - free - suspense - I read this to about halfway through and then gave up.  The premise was weird, the characters were annoying and didn't seem to have any idea about what they were doing, and the writing wasn't sound enough to carry any of it.  About halfway through, I realized I just didn't care anymore.  I think it could've been a good book, but it needed an editor to tell the author where to snip.  So much unnecessary stuff in there to be snipped away.

7/25/24 - free - urban fantasy - Meh.  

Currently Reading... nothing.  I DNF'd that suspense last night and haven't had a chance to start another book yet.

What's on your reading wrap-up for the week?

1 comment:

  1. I'm slowly creeping up on being even (or getting ahead) on my GR reading challenge. I'm only 2 books behind schedule now. I managed 3 books this week. None of them new to me, unknown or under appreciated.

    26. Ocean Light (Psy-Changeling Trinity, #2; Psy-Changeling, #17), Nalini Singh, UF, 4.5 stars: A favorite series. What can I can I say?
    25. Silver Silence (Psy-Changeling Trinity, #1; Psy-Changeling, #16) Nalini Singh, ParaRom, 5 stars: This is one of my favorite books in the series.

    24. Ecstasy Unveiled (Demonica, #4) Larissa Ione, UF, 4 stars: This one took me a while (over a week) to get through. Not sure why. I just didn't plug in as office. I enjoyed it and enjoy the series but was time to move to something different.

    I just finished OCEAN LIGHT before popping over here to comment. Next up is WOLF RAIN, the next book in the series. I have 4 more to go before I get to the new release, which is my reason behind the re-listen.

    Happy reading!
