Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Update 7/21/24

Welcome to the Sunday Update with B.E. Sanderson...  

Writing: I wrote six out of the last 7 days for 235 minutes and a total of 5595 new words. I added a new high of 1198 words last night.  Unfortunately, I'm paying for those words this morning with ouchie hands.  Eh, it's the price one pays.  Total word count for the book: 19693.

Reading: Finished reading two books, DNF'd two books.  All in all, a pretty good week.

No baking.  I had thought about making a sour cream coffee cake, but it needs two sticks of butter and that's all I have in the house at the moment, so nope.

Activity: Well...  I overdid it yesterday.  So, in addition to the ouchie hands from writing, I have ouchie other things from gardening - which I attacked with a vengeance right after walking for 3/4 of a mile.  In all, I was active 6 out of 7 days.  Loads of that was cleaning. My stamina is slowly creeping up, but not enough that yesterday wasn't a 'you're gonna pay for this' day.  I haven't weighed myself since last Sunday - 168.4.  I'm up to 28.65 miles walked this year.  Yay.

Gardening: On the upside, the retaining wall for the cedar bed looks amazing.  The bed itself looks like crap, but the wall is awesome.  I had plans to clean the bed today, but it's raining.  Yeah, yeah, that's the reason I'm taking today off.  Derp.  In other gardening news, my lilac bush took a shit for the most part.  I need to hack all the dead trunks off and hope what's still alive can struggle its way back.  To that end, I ordered a hand-held limb saw which should get between the dead stuff and the live stuff with ease.  We'll see.  Not today.

And that's about it.  I'm gonna go slather myself with Aspercreme.  Getting old blows, but the atrophy part of this I did to myself.  Suck it up, buttercup.  

How was your week?

I keep forgetting this...

Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo Day 20
Starting word count: 18495
Ending word count: 19693
New Words: 1198

1 comment:

  1. Sorry for the ouchies but no pain, no gain. Riiight. 🙄 Yay for activity, though, and new words. I have no experience with lilac bushes but I'd be happy to send you some wisteria volunteers. Those vines are getting as bad as the wild grape and just as hard to kill off. Sadly, I'm STILL not close to being able to deal with yardwork to cut them back. Ugh.

    It feels like I didn't do much this week. JuLoWriMo is going pretty well despite some set backs. This is the fun of being a puzzler. Sometimes pieces of the jigsaw look like they fit there but don't. So then you need to figure out where they DO fit. That was my Wednesday and Thursday, and part of Friday. That said, yesterday was a good day. I was able to incorporate a previously cut scene (cut due to timeline at the time) because I found a place for it in the new timeline. Yay.

    I did laundry. I fed the wild critters. I fed the ferals and the indoors. Worried for Pete. 😞 He still has no appetite, still drinking water, still wanting out during the day though he disappears until late at night when he comes back in the garage and I have to urge him to come in.

    I've sold a whole 7 books on Amazon so far this week. 🙄 Hopefully, the Smashwords sale is going better though probably not because I've done very little marketing. That takes energy and brain power and I'm still short of both. Oh well. Write or die, *they* say. So I'm writing so I can get a new book out. Happily, I'm enjoying the reread of the story so I'm hoping it will do well. 🤞🏼

    Okay. Time for another cup of coffee and then time to open the WIP. I have many words to go before the end of the journey. 😉 Enjoy your rain. We got sprinkles. Have a great week! Upward and onward!
