Sunday, August 8, 2021

Sunday Update - Week Lost

I have no clue what week it is.  Hell, Michigan, I'm not sure if there even was a week.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.  

I'm still plugging away on the edit notes for Untitled Fantasy.  I think I was at 29% last night.  Not sure how many pages of notes that makes.  Copious amounts, to be sure.  I was sure Hylani was the big, burly blonde, but early on, it was Frola.  Gotta fix that.  That whole scene where they're debating what kind of magic X has, well, it's got to go.  They know what she has.  There's a whole thing nearer the beginning where everyone knows what everyone else has - well, except for that one chick...  Anyway, it's a lot of work, but it's moving along.

Sorry I forgot to do a reading wrap-up yesterday.  There was nothing to report, but I know you like to read it and put your own books on there.  Here's hoping next week is better.

No baking last week until yesterday when I did granola bars and then made a pizza.  I added about a tablespoon of honey to the pizza dough this time.  It was pretty good, so I'll probably do that from now on.  Between stirring the bars and the kneading pizza dough, my arms are feeling it today.

On the activity front, I only did two things last week.  I biked one day and I walked another day.  It was my first walk in like 6 weeks and I could definitely tell.  Ugh.  I'm up to 40 miles walked and 46 miles biked.  Of course, I'm not counting taking care of the garden in my activity.  I did that every day.  So I got that going for me.  Weight: 184.4

Speaking of the garden, no flowers on the zucchinis now.  I do have buds.  I'm hoping to get a mix of male and female flowers this time.  One of my from-seed tomato plants has flowers.  On the store-bought tomato, the one tiny tomato is about golfball sized now and the other tiny tomato is about pea sized.  

The Olympics are over for all intents and purposes.  I think they're probably doing the closing ceremonies as I type this.  Anyway, we ended up with 113 medals - more than any other country - and as of last night, we also have the most gold medals.  Huge shout out to all the awesome athletes who went there to represent our country and did an amazing job at it.  Nerts to the others.  They don't matter in the scheme of things.  Super special shout-out to Molly Seidel who brought home a bronze in women's marathon - something we haven't had in decades.  And to Nevin Harrison who kicked ass in women's canoeing.  And to Richard Torres, Jr. who literally kicked a bunch of guy's asses to take silver in heavyweight boxing.  And to Alison Felix who said goodbye to her long Olympic career by leading the gals to gold in 4x400 relay.  And to the gal who was shouting about how much she loves America.  And to all of the others who are too numerous to mention by name.  You guys rocked it out this year!  USA! USA! USA!

I'm really not sure what I'm going to do with myself now that the Olympics are over.  Work harder at editing perhaps?  

On that note, I probably should go do something constructive.  How was your week?


  1. It was a week. Stormy was in and out. This week, he'll be here every day. His school and Baseball Boy's school schedule didn't align so good this year. Ah well. He's also going to spend a weekend with us so his parents can do a quick getaway at a casino up in Tulsa with friends. Ah, to be young again. LOL

    I never did catch any of the Olympic equestrian events or the modern pentathlon. Every time it seemed those events were happening, I only found repeats of events already decided and/or events I didn't really care about. That's nothing new. Ah well. Am pleased for all the athletes! Go USA, and yay for the Israeli rythmic gymnast who snatched gold from the Russian.

    Got some new words down. Also good. It's August. I really need to get the novella that's supposed to come out in November written. Ugh. Kinda sorry I agreed to it now. Ah well.

    It got dark outside again. I guess more rain is coming. I'll take it.

    What else happened this week? Not much. Reading was okay but nothing to write home about. My current book is fine for snatches but I'm not compelled to "drop everything" to listen to the end. Which is a bummer but hey...I AM getting new words as a result so that's good.

    That's pretty much it for me. Enjoy your Sunday and good luck with the edits! I know that's a massive chore.

    Later, tater!

  2. Week? There was a week? It's all a blur.

    Yay for edits! Rats to character confusion. But it sounds like you have it under control.

    Our growing season is emphatically OVER, though Mom is still getting the occasional squash. But she waters them twice, maybe three times a day. Once a day is all I can manage.

    My survey is finished, so my refi *might* close sometime this month. Maybe. This thing has been dragging on for four + months.

    I'm back to the poor-quality source with good info. The book is moving slowing, but it's still plodding along. :-)
