Thursday, October 29, 2020

Thursday This n That

 In case you missed it, I have a new book (Cinder Ugly) up for pre-order right now and a sale going on (Once Upon a Djinn).  

Amazon, in its infinite wisdom, isn't showing pre-orders.  It's been a long time since I did a pre-order, but I'm pretty sure they used to show how many pre-orders I had.  I should have at least one (cuz I pre-ordered it).  

Amazon has also not grouped my A Model Curse books into a series yet.  I have a request in to them.  We'll see if it gets done before CU goes live.  (They used to do this automatically.  At least, they've done it for my other series.  :shrug:)

I'm not sure if it's the 'rona or Halloween or the approaching election, but twice this week I've had people screw up the attachment thing on emails I need.  Once, there was no attachment.  The other time, the attachment was wrong.  From totally different people.  Blerg.

Sometimes I have to remind myself 'you can't know what you don't know' and not feel stupid about things people point out that I didn't know.  (I don't think they meant to make me feel stupid.)  I mean, maybe I should've known.  But I didn't know such a thing even existed, so how could I have known that I didn't know?  Ya know?

I've been feeling kinda low these past couple days.  No big deal.  I only mention it because I woke up this morning with 'High Hopes' stuck in my head.  A positive song out of nowhere.  Part of me is all like 'yay'.  Part of me wants to punch myself in the brain.  It's like facing a cheerful person before you've had enough coffee to deal with all that cheer.

It's raining raining raining here.  The lake's gone up a foot in the past day or so.  Not a problem since the lake was a 'normal level' which means it can go up another 15 feet without causing a major problem.  Still, all this rain is making my yard look like a waterfall and it's really mushy out there.  It's also harshing my ability to take walks.  

I saw the cutest kitten posted on one of the rescue sites I follow and I wanted it in the worst way.  It was killer cute.  Death by cuteness cute.  This is not the time to be taking on a new pet - especially a kitten or a puppy.  I don't have the time or the energy or the patience for a baby animal right now.  And then there's Kira.  The old lady doesn't need that kind of irritation.  She's gotta be... what... 86 or so in cat years?   She takes up a lot of time and energy and patience all on her own.  Throw a new pet into that?  Nope.

And that's enough out of me.  What's up with you?


  1. We've had over 5 inches of rain in various forms since Sunday afternoon. This week is a microcosm of 2020. Rain, freezing rain, no power, frigid temperature, trees that look like an F2 tornado hit...yeah. 😣

    On the bright side, I had to take all the fridge food outside to keep it cold. I "cleaned" the fridge--throwing away lots of outdated stuff. Wiped it down with Clorox wipes. Once power was back on, and super cool blast engaged so fridge was cool enough, I put the "fresh" food back. πŸ‘

    I hate silence. Lying in the dark, listening to crap hit the roof--whether ice chunks or branches. When I win the lottery, puttin' in a whole-house generator. At least we had heat. The Czech refugees who built this house added natural gas wall heaters in four rooms, in addition to the central heat. No frozen pipes and toasty warm. Since I have a gas stove (can't use the ovens but can the stove-top burners!), we also had coffee. 😜

    During a lull in the storm, I looked out a window and thought I saw a little bird sitting on the top of an old metal stool that's out in the yard as decoration. (I sometimes set a potted plant on it.) About 15 minutes later, I looked out. Bird still there. Worried it was stuck in the ice coating the top, I went out. It was a chunk of ice with youpon leaves embedded that made it look like wing markings and a bill. 🀦🏼‍♀️

    That's pretty much my this and that in a nutshell. I wanna be that ant and I want apple pie. πŸ˜‰ Cheers to High Hopes for the unforeseeable future.

  2. I'm working on getting out of the blues, too.

    Ooooh! Kitten cuteness! I want a kitten, but Churchill would never forgive me. Not that I could keep up with a kitten these days. But I can dream!

    Dad-sitting today. My favorite cartoons were all reruns, and not even episodes I liked. News was unbearable; I already have anxiety attacks from it. (It's not so bad on the radio.) I wound up watching a bunch of Scooby Doo. Woe is me! ;-)
