Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 It's Tuesday.  How did it get to be Tuesday again already?  Not that there's anything special about Tuesday.  It's just that I feel like we just had a Tuesday and here it is again.  Where the hell did Monday go?

Sunday I reached down to do something behind my recliner and wasn't paying attention to where the back of the chair was in relation to my head.  Boink.  I'm sure it left a mark, but it's above the hairline.  

Yesterday, it rained off and on.  During one of the off periods, Hubs figured it was a good time to walk up to the mailbox to mail a couple birthday cards out.  Halfway there, the rain decided to turn on again.  Sploosh.

I have all my proofer notes ready to go, but the will to work isn't ready for anything.  On the upside, the proofers seemed to enjoy the story and reports are that the notes aren't that bad.  So what's the problem there, Mr. Gumption, eh?

Today's bird of the day is a tufted titmouse. If you have a bunch of them is it titmice or titmouses?  Spellcheck says titmice is correct (no red squiggle).  Titmouses sounds more fun to me.  Especially is you say it like a German psychiatrist.  Tit mouwziz.  Okay, maybe that's just me.

I went to bed last night with like 10 pages left to read in this book.  I was right in the middle of the climax when the cat started meowing that she needed to use the litterbox.  I tried to ignore her long enough to finish the book, but it became apparent that she was getting irritated.  I set the book aside, took her to the litterbox, and then got ready for bed.  Then I couldn't sleep because the book wasn't finished and I didn't know what happened and I was amped up from the thrill of the story.  I should've just finished the damn book.  With only about 10 pages left, he'd better get cracking on wrapping this thing up satisfactorily.  =o\  I'll finish it as soon as I finish this post.

Speaking of which, that's probably more than enough yattering out of me today.  How's things with you?

1 comment:

  1. We get titmousers around here. They like the youpon "cherries" as they fly through going to whereever it is they go. I think my hummers have deserted for warmer climes. It's that time of year.

    Got the word "search and rescue" bit done yesterday. Got started on formatting. Managed to get the font changed to the one I use for publication, though I have phone text conversation where I have to change the font. I set up part of the spacing for paragraphs and started adding my scene break icons. I do like my little wolf paw prints for that. I'm hoping to have most of it done today. I keep sort of promising "the end of the week" and since this is Tuesday...

    No rain but we need it! Cloudy, chill and dreary today. Weather dude is talking FREEZING temps the first of next week! Yikes! I'm not ready to switch to the heater.

    One of the ferals has started to brush against my leg as I get their food dished out. I occasionally get to swipe his tail. Hoping I can get them socialized enough to catch for the neuter and release program. Or to just bring in the dang house. Whatever.

    Not much else going on. Time to work. As soon as I finish this cup and get a fresh one. I might be awake by then. Yuppers. I'm gonna get right on that. Have a good one!
