Thursday, March 19, 2020

Thursday This n That

And I thought I was distracted yesterday.  Well, the universe showed me, didn't it?  Things got way more interesting.  Maybe it was because we were talking and I actually said 'it can't get any worse'.  Heh.

So, yesterday, the Kid got an email from the president of the university that EMU is shutting down.  No dates with when they have to get out of the dorms, but that's coming.  And she can't go back to where she was living.  We sprang into action and have a plan to get her up to my mom's place for a little while.  Then the plan is to fly her down here for the duration.


Book?  What book? 

Hubs went for a walk yesterday and around about the place we released the hawk, there was a hawk in the trees.  He couldn't see it to tell if it was the same one, but he could sure hear it, chewing him out.  We saved your life, dude.  Chill.

My lilac bush has little leaves on it. 

The book I'm reading right now is pretty good, but the author did a weird thing - they started it in the now but then went back ten years which is where the rest of the story seems to be.  Sort of a 'this is how I became an FBI profiler' thing.  I'm not sure how I feel about it, but like I said, the story seems pretty good.

I miss having tulips, but apparently those things are crack for the deer here. 

We stayed up late last night to watch the finale of America's Top Dog.  I won't spoil it for you, but the dog we were rooting for won.  Yay.  Such a good dog.  Who's a boo?

I made chocolate oil cake yesterday with basic fudgy frosting.  So good.  I also made a vat of spaghetti sauce.  AND salmon salad.  What can I say, when I'm stressed I make food. 

What's up in your life today?  Any this n that going on? 


  1. I was rooting for Mattis but I'm happy with the Top Dog. They were ALL good boys! And girls. 🐶

    Rain. Lots and lots of rain. My candytuft bush is blooming. Honeysuckle is starting to bud. Lots of daffodils. Haven't checked the wisteria. It's supposed to freeze tomorrow night. 😲

    Sorry about the Kid. Glad she has a place to come. Some of the kids here can't get back into their dorms to get their stuff. Almost all the schools--from college down--are going to on-line classes if they have the capability. That's all well and good, unless a kid's computer is locked in the dorm... 🤦‍♀️

    Woke up and thought today was Friday. Realized that my blog post had the "wrong day", reset the date. Then I realized it was only Thursday. I reset the date for tomorrow's blog and deleted it when it hit FB. I hope it reposts tomorrow. If not I'll do it manually. 🤦‍♀️

    🤦‍♀️ is currently my favorite emoji.

    Did I mention that it's raining? At least it's warm. Until tomorrow night and Saturday. 😟

    I'm going to make myself work today. Or else. Yup. No more Starbucks (and I'm in the middle of a star dash for bonus stars!!!) until I finish this section of BETRAYAL. First the 💻 then the ☕ !

    And when I start talking about Starbucks, I know I've run out of anything to say. Hang in there. Hope you can settle the brain and get some work in. Me too! Later, tater.

  2. Hugs to the Kid! That's the pits.

    LOL to the hawk! Maybe he was trying to say Thank You, but his chest is still too sore for courtesy. ;-)

    We had a lovely thunderstorm this morning. Only 1/2" of rain, but I'll take every drop we can get. But I wasn't willing to turn on the computer until now, so I'm running late. Time to get to work.

    Wishing you luck in getting reorganized!

  3. I'm trying tulips this year. I put them on the walkway to the front door. Hopefully the deer won't be bold enough to come right to the house. They generally don't get closer than 20 feet, but maybe I never planted something tasty enough to gamble.
