Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday This n That

Getting back to writing wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  Getting back to marketing was okay.  Actually getting back to sales?  Umm... yah.  Not as sparktastic as I'd hoped it would be.  :shrug:

I started this post an hour ago and then got lost in the comments section for a really interesting question about editing and self-publishing.  Just someone asking when it's time to stop self-editing and publish the book (with a request not to suggest paying for an editor, since they have no money to do so).  For the most part, the commenters were spot-on and sympathetic.  A few were snotty, but not many - especially since the group is supposed to be about being supportive and a safe place to discuss this sort of stuff.  (For the record, I did not actually join the group because it asks you to agree to making it a 'safe space' and I don't do 'safe spaces' as a general rule.  One would hope adults wouldn't have to agree to a 'safe space' promise to be civil and courteous to one another.  Those that would, wouldn't necessarily follow the rules - as seem in the snotty comments to that one post.)

Anyway, it was an interesting comments section.  Which is something because most comments sections irritate the crap out of me.

I distracted the cats this morning with pieces of paper.  Sawyer was up to his usually mischief, so I threw a piece of paper on the floor.  He investigated that for a few minutes and then went back to mischief.  So I threw two more on the floor.  Investigate... mischief.  So I took those three pieces of paper, folded them, and made a little tunnel.  Now, Sawyer is laying near them after playing with them and Finn is playing with them.  And Sawyer just got up to attack Finn, so the distraction worked.  Rumble amidst the papers.

The WIP is almost done.  I have to finish the climax, write the denouement, and wrap it all up.  Woohoo.  Scratch that... the first draft of the WIP is almost done.  The book is still nowhere near ready to publish.  And I'm okay with that.

I really should wear my glasses when I write these blog posts.  Thank goodness for the wiggly red lines that let me know when I've truly f'ckd something up.  (Like the word f'ckd. LOL)

Okay, I should probably go do something else constructive this morning.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Internet trolls are NOT adults, no matter their chronological age. 👹

    People who want/need safe spaces seem to be the ones quickest to turn on someone who doesn't hold the same views.

    Yay for almost The End on the first draft!!! That's an accomplishment. And also when the real work--and sometimes fun--comes into play.

    Awww. Kittycattos! 😸

    I can't do anything up close without my glasses--not even see the squiggly lines. 🙄

    I saw a hummingbird at the feeder the other day. That's the first one I've spied feeding this year.

    LG and I are slowly getting back into the habit of fixing and eating dinner together. (He's been as much "at fault" as me in that he wasn't hungry when I was hungry and nothing I suggested appealed to him. We're working on that and getting back to normal.)

    Today is really nice! Low humidity and lower temps. Gonna change tomorrow and over the weekend but there is hope of Fall in the extended forecast.

    I'm making progress on the WIP. Had to stop for an hour yesterday because I couldn't think of the right word and my brain refused to budge past that point. LG finally got home from his errand run and I hit him with the scene and gave him all the words and phrases that were NOT the I wanted/needed. He looked me and said, "Vendetta?" I now have a vendetta against my brain and haven't even looked at that scene today. Here it is 1:37 p.m.

    Time to get off the interwebz and do something productive. Later, tater!
