Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thursday This n That

Ghostbusters: Afterlife is now my favorite movie.  If you haven't watched it yet, I highly recommend it.  It's was made as a tribute to Harold Ramis and it totally rocks.  I can't explain what it's about without dropping spoilers.  (I tried.)  The main character is this girl, Phoebe, who's smart and funny and courageous.  She makes friends with this boy who calls himself Podcast (and steals the show).  And it's set in Oklahoma.  With ghosts and strange things happening.  I find something new to love about it every time I watch it.  If you even slightly enjoyed the old Ghostbusters, watch it.  

The saga with the phone was over... and then it wasn't.  Last Wednesday, it was fixed.  Monday morning, we had no dial-tone again.  They're supposed to be working on it, but the one tech told Hubs they're having trouble finding parts for equipment as old as we have in this neighborhood.  Fortunately, we still have internet.  (Albeit only slightly speedier than dial-up speed some days.)   :shrug:  With the way this is pissing Hubs off, we may end up chucking the landline altogether and using our cellphones instead.  Which sucks.  Have you ever tried to carry on a long conversation on a flip phone?  Hand cramps in a major way.  I need a cell phone that looks and feels like a handset.  Better yet, give me one that looks like an old receiver from a corded phone.  I could talk for hours on one of those without getting all crippled.

Speaking of crippled, I pulled a muscle in my calf when I went for a walk on Monday.  So, I've been limping which threw my gait off and now my hips hurt.  Growing old is so much fun.

Trash dude is here picking up our garbage.  

Speaking of garbage... last night Hubs went to take the trash up to the road and discovered the hard way that paper wasps had built a nest in a crevice on the garbage receptacle. He was stung twice - on his thumb and on his forearm.  Benadryl gel was applied followed by ice packs. Needless to say, the nest is now a smear on the concrete and the bottom of my shoe, and one wasp was flattened.  The other one made its escape.  War has been declared.  No truce in sight.  To paraphrase Sean Connery in Untouchables, you sting one of mine, I kill a hundred of yours.

I hear Hubs moving around.  For once, I got up earlier than he did.  Neener neener boo boo.

We've named Lumpy's fawn Speedy.  And her grand-fawn - Sissy's baby - is Patches.  

And on that thought, I'm outta here.  Have a great day and feel free to leave some comments with your own this n that.


  1. I saw that movie listed on...TNT(?) last night. It had already started so I didn't switch over. I'll have to watch for it now. LOL Ugh on the phone "saga" and boo on the injuries. Yay on fawns.

    Woke up convinced today was Friday and I needed to get Big Blue (the trash bin) out to the curb. Then it occurred to me that it's Thursday.

    I didn't set the correct time on my blog post for today. It's fixed and posted now.

    It's the first of the month. There's nothing more disheartening to a writer than to look at the KDP dashboard and see nothing but zeros--$$, books sold, page read. 😔 (that's a sigh emoticon)

    JuLoWriMo is officially over. The book isn't finished but I'm way closer than I was on this day a month ago. I've "fixed" or added 16 chapters and almost 10K words added. I also have a clearer picture of where the book is going. I'm now shooting for a Labor Day release. That said, I found a reference to pumpkin spice lattes so a fall release would fit. LOL

    LG and I need to make a massive grocery list and hit the Wallyworld. I need to plan some meals first.

    I feel sorry for the Italian boxer who forfeited after 46 seconds because her opponent is a biological male--one who FAILED the testosterone test for the world championships but was allowed in by the Olympic committee. Shame on them! Yay for the American women's rugby team. Oh, and Pommel Guy! (See, I can pay attention without watching--LOL)

    Not much else going on around here. Happy Thursday and tomorrow is Friday. Not that Fridays really mean anything to a stay-at-home writer. 🙄

  2. Thank you for recommending Ghostbusters Afterlife. We streamed it on Amazon and really enjoyed it. We were pleasantly surprised.
