Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Update 8/18/24

 Whew... just got back from a morning walk.  I hope to start making those a regular thing.  We'll see.  Now, onward to the update...

I wrote 5 out of 7 days this week for a total of 6097 words.  TTW is now at 40604 words total.  Last night, I finished writing and went out for a smoke, during which my brain formed one of the final scenes.  I had to come back in and write it down before I lost it.  I never write out of order, but apparently, it was necessary this time.  Then last night while I was failing to fall asleep, I hashed out a bunch of other stuff.  I should've gotten up and written it all down.  I didn't, so it's a crap shoot whether it'll be there when I'm ready to write today.  

As for marketing, nothing was on sale this week, but I did join a bunch of groups on Facebook for when I have another sale on.  Maybe I'll talk about that tomorrow.  I also did some spreadsheet work - pulling out my old marketing spreadsheet that I haven't touched since 2022.  And my Pages Read tab in my Sales sheet got unhidden and I worked on that a bit.  Some lovely soul read all 3 A Model Curse books and then read all 4 of the Once Upon a Djinn books.  Which puts my KU at 2446 pages read this month.  Cha-ching.

My reading week wasn't all that special.  I read one book and DNF'd two others.  Yesterday, I started a not-famous book by Aldous Huxley.  We'll see how that goes.

In cooking news, I made another stab at the yogurt coffee cake.  This was also a fail.  And I failed down, so this one wasn't nearly as yummy as my previous failure.  I'll give myself one more shot at it, then I'm calling this recipe quits.

Activity this week sucked.  I walked one day and cleaned one day.  The walk was 1.7 miles, though - which was why I didn't walk the rest of the week - I overdid it and hurt afterwards.  I'm going to have to work up to that mileage in smaller increments.  Derp. (Today's walk of .75 miles counts toward next week.)  Weight: 170.8. 

I can't think of what else to say here right now.  I'm kinda sweaty and in need of a shower, due to aforementioned walk.  Leave me a comment and tell me about your week.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for words and ideas! And yeah, build up to the walks, especially in this heat. Looking forward to reading Duke and yay for pages read!

    I had a week. Writing? I kept falling down rabbit holes and not writing. Then, when I needed to do other things, inspiration would hit and I'd jot stuff down madly.

    Between blood labs and vet visits and a guided tour of the upgrading neighborhood Wallyword, the week kind of slipped by.

    Yesterday was soccer. We only made one of two games and Stormy's team won 7-1. They lost the late game last night and the early morning game today. Ah well. Yesterday's was their first real game as a team and only a couple of practices. We were under a canopy so had shade and there was a breeze so it wasn't too bad around noonish. Last night would have been HOT.

    I want to move to Hazen, Arkansas and go to work for the police department. Just sayin'...

    Not much else going on. I need to stop getting distracted and actually get those scribbled notes translated into actual sentences. Have a great week!
