Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Random Thoughts on FB Groups

I've been joining different groups on Facebook lately.  It's to increase my social media visibility and thereby to increase sales.  At least, that's the hope.  Anyway, I'm encountering all sorts of new people.  Sometimes this is a good thing.  Sometimes it's not.  

Yesterday, I joined a couple book groups - strictly for book readers, no sales pitches allowed.  Cool.  I can interact with people and when they see what a lovely person I am, they can ostensibly go to my page, see I'm a writer, and buy my books.  That's the theory anyway.  One particular group has like 500K members, so I was figuring on a good reach.  This morning it reminded me why I don't hang around with very many people.  

The first post I saw in my newly joined group was one admonishing people to not say the book has a twist at the end when recommending a book.  Just saying a book has a twist is ruining it for people, apparently.  How can they possibly enjoy a book when they're constantly waiting for the twist?  Umm... I read every book as if there's some kind of twist.  Shouldn't there be a twist in every book??  I'm confused.  I left the group.  

Come to think of it, I hadn't really joined the group.  It was another one that was asking for promises I wasn't comfortable making.  And since it's a non-marketing group, I didn't want to accidentally get it confused with all my marketing groups (it has a really similar name to a couple) and then try to market in it.  I got partway through the process of joining the group and then stopped.  This morning, FB tells me I was accepted into the group and then it was all over my newsfeed.  :shrug:  Like I said, I left the group.  Life is confusing enough without having to worry about which unwritten rule I may or may not be violating.  

I'm not sure if any of this is doing any good.  It's early yet.  I figure it's worth a shot.  Can't hurt, and all that, eh?  Who knows, I might make a friend or two?  Sell a book here and there.  Something.

1 comment:

  1. You are far more patient and social than I am! I find it hard to even look at social media feed. I am far more of a hermit than you are! That might be why my sales are flat. Oh well. As far as reader forums go, I think I'd only have one hard and mostly fast rule--no spoilers, unless the forum says THIS IS A SPOILER SPACE! People do seem to get really riled over sharing spoilers. Me? I don't care. It's likely I will have forgotten the spoiler by the time I get to that part (which is why I can reread books repeatedly - LOL). That said, there are people who totally freak and refust to read a book or watch a movie/TV show if spoilers are revealed. 🤷🏼‍♀️

    Okay, break time over. I have to get back to work and see if I have any twists I can toss in. 😉 Have a great day.
