Thursday, August 8, 2024

Thursday This n nThat

Sorry I'm late posting.  Our internet is so slow, I try to stay off of it until Hubs doesn't need it anymore.  And even then, doing anything is just barely better than using dial-up.  And yes, our internet is run off our phone lines, so that oughta tell ya somethin'.

Our phone is still sporadic.  We had dial tone this morning.  It'll probably be gone again by afternoon.  

I just got back from a walk.  1.1 miles.  Woof, it's hot out there.  I'm Sweaty Spaghetti.  

I have been trying to grow my hair out.  I kept it short while I had a job.  Now I don't need it short.  However, it's starting to irritate me.  Every time I shower, I threaten to cut it.  I did do my bangs yesterday.  I still hate it.  :shrug:

The book I'm reading it s lot longer than I anticipated.  I should've known, because it's SF, but I guess I didn't notice it's like an epic SF space opera.  Still, it's pretty good, so I'm motoring through.  As long as it continues to be pretty good, that is.

I ran into a neighbor just now.  Her dog was taking her for a drag.  Nice gal.  Nice dog.  It's just a bit undertrained, so it drags her around the neighborhood.

It's dry here.  We need rain.  If you have extra, please send.

Hubs got some junk mail and threw the envelope on the floor.  He's not a pig or anything.  He just put it there for the cats to play with. When they get bored, he'll throw it away.  I do the same with boxes.  It's funny watching Sawyer try to fit himself in the box the fruit bars come in.  As I've said, he's a moose.  Right now, Finn is under a shoebox we left for them to play with and Sawyer is trying to dig him out.  Heh, the Turtle Game.  Yay.

Okay, I'm done.  Leave your own this n thats if you're in the mood.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. We're due rain tomorrow and over the weekend. It's a Great Lakes Low so hopefully it'll traverse over you before it gets here.

    Sorry about your internet. I'm getting lags but I think it's the age of my computer because we have fiber.

    I'm jealous that your cats are Mine ignore boxes. They will occasionally "steal" bottle caps to play with but the play is short-lived. The red dot? *cat yawn* Feather on a string? *cat ingoring* I have non-cat cats.

    I've done some dinner fixing this week. Did a Cajun boil one night. Did grilled hamburger steak with grilled onions and mushrooms last night. No clue what's on the menu tonight.

    I'm ahead (for a change!) on my GR reading challenge. Yay.

    I'm bogged down a little on the WIP. My brain kept niggling that I'd forgotten something and misplaced both the mental and physical note I wrote to myself to not forget. I finally got smart and went back to reread the new stuff and found where I got off track and then I had to bump ahead to find the spot to fix it. Working on that today. We'll see.

    How is it Thursday already?

    I couldn't help myself. I had to watch the press conference.

    Okay. Lunch break is over--turkey sandwich, bowl of cheese balls, and peanut butter celery. Enjoy your space opera. Hope it holds up. Later, gator!
