Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Update 8/11/24

 Well, wouldja look at that... it's Sunday again.  Let's get started.

I didn't have the best writing week and it's all on me.  I got a little lazy.  Even so, I did manage to get 3452 words out.  The WIP is now at 33507.  I still have no idea where I'm going, but I'm forging ahead with the great hope that this will all get figured out in edits.

Dying Embers and the other SCIU books were on sale this week.  DE was free and the other two were 99c.  I moved 75 books - 73 free and one each of the others.  Not quite as good as the last sale.  :shrug:  I discovered mid-sale that the Amazon rankings were messed up and not moving at all, which probably screwed me for residual sales based off those rankings.  I had a great first day which probably would've put DE in the top 100 free suspense category.  Then :sad trombone noise:  Hopefully they get it fixed before I run another sale.  All of this is hard enough with glitches in the system.

This past week, I made Raisin Applesauce cake, which was awesome.  Then later in the week, I made a big batch of PB&C Oatmeal Cookies.  What are those, you ask?  Peanut butter and chocolate oatmeal cookies. Total yumminess. I posted the recipe to my FB page.  If you don't have FB or don't follow me and want it, let me know. (And if you don't follow me, please do.)  I also made pizza yesterday.  I got the dough all done and raised.  I cut it in half for two small pizza and got half of it on the pan.  Then I went to get out the toppings and discovered I was out of shredded cheese.  Derp.  All I had in the way of cheese was cheddar slices and American slices.  Not really pizza cheese and I wanted pizza.  So, I hopped in the car, drove ten minutes out to the Dollar General.  I got the last 2 packs of mozzarella they had and I also bought a brick of cheddar to make tacos today.  Anyway, the pizza got made, but while I was gone, the dough on the pan continued to rise (naturally), and the pizza actually turned out better.  I plan to do this on purpose from now on - let the dough rise on the pan for 20-30 minutes.  

On the activity front, I got in three walks for 2.7 miles, not counting walking while I grocery shop.  I also did some cleaning.  I haven't lost any weight, but with all those yummy baked goods to eat, it's no wonder.  

The day I went grocery shopping, I stopped in at the old office.  I got big hugs from my two guys who were in at the time.  Yay.  I do miss my guys.  I crapped out on seeing one of my other guys by 30 minutes, which kinda sucks, but stuff happens.  The place hasn't burned down or imploded since I left, which is good.  I really don't wish them ill, I had just had enough and it was time for me to get back to being me again.  

Other than that, not much else going on.  The baby deers are getting big.  The baby kitties are doing fine.  So is Hubs.  And the rest of my family.  Tomorrow Owl turns 31.  (How am I old enough to have a kid who's 31??)

How are things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. Ha! I got distracted between comment on your post from yesterday to this one. Laundry. Email. Finding a book to listen to. Rinse. Repeat.

    Hey, 3K+ words is progress! And I get you. This was a tough week to make words work. I'm over 112K words now and after a quick read-thru of chapter 34, I'll be on to chapter 35. I have an idea of what comes next. We'll see if the characters are on board. LOL

    Hey, at least you moved some books and hopefully, those freebies will turn into full-price sales! I've sold 1 book on the 'Zon this month. No clue on the other outlets through D2D but they've been more than the 'Zon. Course, that's not sayin' much. 🙄

    I prefer "pan pizza," which means the dough rises a bit, especially around the edges. Yummers. We haven't had pizza in a while. I may have to add that to the grocery list.

    The fact I'm up and moving around and doing laundry, feeding ferals on the porch and birds/squirrels on the side and back is about the only exercise I'm getting but hey, I'm up and moving! I'm staying right at 129, which will probably make my doc happy but I think I'm still too skinny!

    Glad you got to see your guys and that the place hasn't imploded. Maybe you'll catch one of them out and about and can get the skinny on how things really are. 😉

    That pretty much sums up my week and weekend. I'm writing. I'm doing laundry. I cooked a bit--Cajun boil, hamburger steaks with onions and mushrooms, and...some other things I don't remember. 🙄 Nothing fancy and no sweets.

    Hopefully, I'll have interesting Only news for my update tomorrow. Stormy hits the FIFTH GRADE on Wednesday! *muppet flail* Only turns 38 this fall. *MUPPET FLAIL* How is any of this possible?!?!?!?! Happy b-day to Owl. Glad the kittles and Hubs are all squared away, and you too.

    Time to sign off before I get distracted--AGAIN!--and it takes another hour to get this comment posted. 🤣🤣🤣
