Saturday, August 10, 2024

Saturday Reading Wrap-up 8/10/24

Dang.  It seems like every day I'm apologizing for being late.  Today, I'm blaming the internet because I actually tried to post earlier but I couldn't bring the page up.  Derp.  This is the wrap-up for two weeks' worth of reading.

I picked up some new ebooks this week.  Read one and have three left to go.  No new hardcopies, but I have a ton of those, so no worries.

Books Read:

18) Oblivion's Cloak by Dylan McFadyen (8/9/24) - epic SF*# - 5 stars. New to me and underappreciated.  Picked this up for free from The Fussy Librarian newsletter.
Review: "This is a long and intricate book, which I didn't expect when I snagged it during a freebie promo, but it's enthralling and kept me reading - sometimes to the exception of everything else I was supposed to be doing. There are harsh bits in it, but they fit. The characters are hard people living hard lives, but the author still managed to make them sympathetic. Plus, in the end, good guys win and bad guys die. And you cheer for both events."

17) The Tuesday Club Murders by Agatha Christie (8/4/24) - mystery - 5 stars. Neither new to me nor underappreciated.  I snagged this one at the thrift store for $1.
Review: I can't get the Goodreads page to pull up.  Click the link to see my review.  

16) The Sword of Shannara by Terry Brooks (8/2/24) - fantasy - 5 stars. Neither new to my nor underappreciated.  I bought this one for full price from Amazon - $6.99
Review: I can't get the Goodreads page to pull up.  Click the link to see my review.

No DNFs.

Currently Reading... I haven't picked anything since I finished that SF yesterday.  My eyes needed a break.  I'll probably go with an Erle Stanley Gardner or a Western next.  We'll see.

What was on your reading list this week?

1 comment:

  1. Didn't see this until Sunday morning. Oh well. Hopefully, your internet will speed up when all the lake people go home after Labor Day! Two weeks worth of books? Yikes. I can barely remember what I was reading/listening to yesterday! LOLOL

    I'm at 34 books, which is 4 books ahead of my GR schedule. Technically, I'm at 35 because I finished a book this morning but I haven't logged it yet so I'll save it as a headstart on this week's. I won't list/number the books. Most were relistens anyway. I did finish off my Nalini Singh relisten of the Trinity books with PRIMIAL MIRROR, the newest release. ParaRom/Futuristic, 5 stars.

    Next up was SANCTUARY, novella by Ilona Andrews set in their* Kate Daniels world. ParaRom/UF. 5 stars. Roman, the Black Volhv, priest to Chernibog, offers to help a teen who comes to him for sanctuary. The kid has a big sister. I see romance in the air for my favorite Eeyore PJ-wearing good guy even though he serves a dark god in post-shift Atlanta (magic and tech are having a bit of a dust up in the series.) Oh, yeah. 5 stars (his sister gave him Eeyore "bunny" slippers to wear and he does...😲)

    No clue what I'll plug in next. Part of me says "grap something new!" Part of me says, "Nope. Go with the tried and true cuz...comfort zone!"

    Anyway, good luck finding something to read, and that goes for both of us. Now, off to respond to your Sunday post. 😄
