Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Warning: Rant Ahead

Life really shouldn't be this damn hard, ya know?  This is the year 2024 for petesakes.  We should have flying cars by now.  I can't even get my freakin' phone to work and my internet is so slow I feel like I'm in 1998, using AOL and dial-up.  All I'm trying to do today is post some damn marketing stuff to Facebook and the damn site won't load half the time, and the other half the time, it only loads partially, so I have to refresh and hope it loads the next time.  

Most days, I can't comment on other people's blogs because I can't get the comment thing to load without refreshing a half-dozen times, and I just give up.  (So, if I don't comment, it's not that I'm ignoring you or have something better to do.)  Hell, I can't even comment on my own blog without logging in as a guest.  

Yes, I realize that this is partly my fault.  I live in the back of beyond and I exist on a shoestring budget.  Services here are not what one would expect to find in, say, a city.  And although we do have access to something like Starlink, the cost is prohibitive.  C'est la vie.  Or suck it up, buttercup.  As for the phone, the tech supervisor told me it could be like this for 2-3 MONTHS.  Yeah, I have a cell phone, but talking on it for more than a few minutes makes my hand cramp, and if I'm not holding it JUST RIGHT, my mom has a tough time hearing me.  

Don't mind me.  I'm just ranting.  

I really need to win the lottery.  If I had all the monies, these little issues wouldn't be so dramatic.  I'd pay Elon his money and pay some other person to install the equipment, and life would be better.  I'd also not have to worry about how much groceries and gas cost either.  (Except I probably still would because it's all just ludicrous.)

Sometimes, I just want to give up and walk away.  I do in little instances, from time to time.  I could walk away right now from this whole idea of marketing.  But I'm in the middle of a sale and if I walk away now, I won't get any additional sales...

Which reminds me, what the hell is wrong with Amazon's ranking system??  WIOH is still showing in the paid sales rankings and that's over a million.  It should be in the free sales rankings and way higher than it is now.  Don't they know they're hamstringing me.  Do they not want books to sell???? Turds.  BLERG.

:end rant:  Thank you for stopping by.  I'll try to be more positive and upbeat tomorrow.  Have a nice day.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog, your space, your rant. No big. Sometimes. we just gotta let go of the frustration and unleash it on the world. S'all cool. Labor Day will be here soon and then the lake people will crawl back to their cities and you'll get some speed back. Plus, if the dims win again, maybe this time they'll actually get around to that high-speed internet in rural areas like they've been promising for four years. Yeah...probably not.

    I remember dial-up days. Brrrrr. Ding. Prinnng. Brrrr. Hssss. Now I want a soundtrack of the noises connecting to the net made. Back then, we could afford two landlines so we had one dedicated for the internet. It was still slow but beat the heck out of other people's who got knocked off every time someone called them on the phone. I don't miss those days.

    Hang in there, m'friend. If there's something I can do to help, let me know!
