Friday, August 23, 2024

Property Rights

The other day I saw a video clip someone posted on FB and it's kind of concerning.  It was of Harris talking to some of her cronies about how they could just take someone's patent.  And to her it seemed like something funny and fun to do.  Like it was nothing.

A patent is a property right.  You come up with an invention, you patent it so everyone knows it's YOURS.  This thing you created came out of your head and you made it real.  You should profit from it.  I'd say in perpetuity, but those things don't last forever.  Still, for as long as they last, they're yours.  

Kind of like copyrights.  

If someone in power is willing to steal a patent, it's not that big a step for them to just go ahead and steal your copyright, too.  Basically, if they want something, it's theirs to take.  Sort of like a whole section of our populous these days.  (If you haven't been paying attention, there have been hoards of people taking things that don't belong to them.  It'll get worse, trust me.  Sort of a 'if she's doing it, why can't I' mindset.)

Sure, they'll probably start with the conservatives and other people who aren't on their side, but before long, they'll come for the liberals, too.  Or, if a liberal's property is desirable to them, they'll skip the line and go straight for the throat no matter who is it.

Jus' sayin'.

I mean, I've even seen it here on my little plot of land.  Some people who occasionally come up from a rather large city south of here decided it would be okay to wander the woods... woods that do not belong to them... and one day they just popped out of the woods into my yard.  They were going on 'an adventure', they said.  They didn't even bother to ask if it was okay to trespass on my property.  I would've told them no, but still.  (And maybe that's why they didn't ask.)  We have our reasons, but we don't really need one to stand up and say 'this piece of property belongs to us - stay off'.  Hell, we don't even need to say it.  Property doesn't have to be posted No Trespassing for it to apply.  (It's easier to prosecute when there's a sign, but you don't need it.)  Those people don't see us walking on their land - and they have waterfront, so it would be awesome to just walk across their lawn and fish off their backyard.  We don't do that because those people have rights.  We respect that.  

Our books are our property, too.  We sometimes share our property for free.  Get the word out there, maybe pick up some residual sales.  Sharing it once for free doesn't mean it's always free, so you can take it and share it, too.  It means for this space of time, we would like for you to read it and appreciate it without having to pay for it.  Pass your love of the book along, not the book itself.

I find really quite concerning and more than a little depressing that the second in charge of our great nation has so little regard for property rights..  The only thing I can do is write posts like this and hope that come November enough people realize the truth and vote accordingly.



  1. I have a good friend in England where it's perfectly acceptable to cross through their property. The only rule is that they must close the gate behind them.

    I told him, in Texas, we shoot people for that. It's called trespassing.

    Different countries, I know, but I often wonder if it at one time it was illegal in England. They just legalized it over time and made gun ownership illegal.

  2. Another thing she wants to do is tax "unrealized profits." My old economics professor is somewhere spinning like a whirling dervish. What does that mean? That means say I bought my house 30 years ago and it is now worth triple what it was then. She would expect me to pay taxes on that "profit" even though I didn't sell my house. This would kill farmers and ranchers, anyone who ever bought stock, 401Ks, pension plans, homeowners, small business owners... In other words, just about everyone who is NOT on welfare. This is a way for them to collect a capital gains tax before you make any gains on your capital by selling it.

    I don't bandy political terms usually but she and the "dims" are now a party of progressive socialist Marxists. And it scares the bejeebus out of me. And to top it off, her cult followers (who just 2 months ago thought she was the worst VP in history according to job satisfaction polls) can't even name ONE FREAKING ONE of her policies. I hear that cackle in my nightmares.

    Sorry. I don't normally unload in other people's spaces but yeah, we are sistahs under the skin so there ya go. At least my state (or the tribes therein) can secede.

    Have a good weekend and remember the lake people will start disappearing soon! Labor Day can't get here fast enough! (Actually, it could delay for me because this dog of a WIP ain't gonna be done by then and that was my goal. Ah well....)
