Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Update 8/4/24

 :blink blink: It's morning, isn't it?  Bleh.  :chugs coffee:  Okay, let's see if we can rebuild the week.

I wrapped up JuLoWriMo on Wednesday night.  And only wrote one day since then.  I did put out over 1300 words that night, but I'm guessing that I still didn't acquire the habit of writing every day if it was so easy to not write.  Gotta work on that.  The book is at 30055 words now.  

Yesterday, I did set up the SCIU books to run this week as a sale.  Dying Embers will be free.  Fertile Ground and Early Grave will be 99c (US and UK only).  I updated one of my previous sale graphics to go with it, which I'd show you but Google won't let me access the damn thing.  Derp.

I forgot to post a Reading Wrap-up this week.  It wasn't exciting or anything.  I only read one book.  I'll add that to next week's post.

In baking news, I made homemade pizza again.  Woohoo.  Otherwise, it really is too damn hot to bake.  Today, I'm going to make a pork roast in the crockpot.  It'll be yummy and still not add too much to the house heat.

On the activity front, Monday I walked the loop here - 1.1 miles of terrain.  Unfortunately, they've re-graveled the unpaved portion and it kinda makes for unsure footing.  I didn't fall, but I slipped around a couple times and must've pulled my calf muscle.  That sucker hurt.  This basically shut down my walking for the rest of the week.  It's finally feeling okay again, so I'll try to get a walk in this morning.  I also need to get back to cleaning.  Weight: 170.2

I don't think I've mentioned it, but I started doing crossword puzzles again.  We get a magazine from our electric company every month and each one has a crossword in the back.  Being the packrat I am, I have several years worth of the magazines, so I'm working my way through the puzzles.  Each time I complete a puzzle, I throw the magazine out.  Exercising the brain AND decluttering.  Go me.  (Not really a lot of exercise for the brain. The puzzles are kinda lame.  Plus, I cheat at crosswords.)

Oh, I almost forgot.  We were without phones again - Monday through Friday night.  They're back, but I'm not holding my breath that they'll stay that way.  The techs are doing the best they can, but the equipment out here is in desperate need of an upgrade and Brightspeed isn't interested in spending the money for an area that brings in so little revenue.  I get it, but it sucks.  We're still back and forth with the idea of ditching the landline altogether.  We'll see.  UPDATE: as of 9:45am, we are without phone again.  For the record, I hate Brightspeed.  If you can avoid using them, do so.

Other than that, not much really going on around here.  The life is pretty boring, which is good thing.  After two years of stress-stress-stress, it's a needed break.  

How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. Re: the phone situation. Two thoughts. Contact your state corporation commission and complain. Second, start demanding a credit every tim the service goes out. If you don't receive it, report this to both your corporation commission and the AG's consumer squad. We have both of these so I would imagine that MO also has them.

    I had a decent reading/listening week. Zipping through rereads to refresh the memory for the new release. I caught up with the "recent" releases but bounced back to a book from the foundation series because a secondary character in that book is the hero in the new release.

    LG made a massive grocery run so I could start cooking dinner again. I made chicken pasta salad one night and there was enough left over for two lunches or dinners for me. (LG indulges me in the pasta salad deal upon occasion. Not a fav of his. LOL) I'll be doing patty melts, ravioli, and a cajun boil this coming week. Our anniversary is Tuesday so we might eat out.

    Yesterday was a bust re: writing but I'll get back to work today--maybe. Definitely tomorrow. The end is in sight and there are other ideas nudging.

    Lunch after siren test was an "adventure." We met The Kids at their favorite burger place. The kitchen line was in training and the on-duty assistant manager had forgotten to tell the servers that since this is "tax-free weekend" for back-to-school clothes and shoes (but not school or sport supplies which makes no sense but then when has a state legislature ever gotten things right?) so the restaurant set up a kids-eat-free weekend. The poor waitress was sorry. We're always patient because Only and I have both worked in food service and LG and Baseball Boy are aware that things happen. LOL

    That's pretty much been my weekend. I need to quit procrastinating and get to work. FYI, I miss the daily paper and working the crossword puzzle.

    Have a great week and don't forget to write! *shakes mother finger at you*
