Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Update 8/24/24

Well, hello there.  Thanks for stopping by for my weekly update.  In case this is your first time here, I'm a pretty boring person.  All the exciting in my life is fictional.  

Day before yesterday, I finished the WIP.  It'll become my 18th published novel.  It's Duke Noble, book 2 - tentatively called Thicker Than Water.  (Not sure I love that title.  We'll see.)  It ended up being 47269 words for the first draft.  I really like how it ended.  There's a lot I have to go back and fix - continuity issues, gaps, a dearth of description... the usual.  I'll probably start that next week.  With my brain, I don't really need too much time to step out of the story so I can look at it objectively.  

So, with finishing that sucker, I wrote 6657 words last week.  I'm hoping to start writing again on something else sometime this week, then write at night and edit TTW during the day once I get to editing again.  I've done this in the past, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.  I do wonder whether I still have the chops to write one book while editing another, though.

This past week, I ran a sale on the Once Upon a Djinn books.  I ended up moving 106 copies of WIOH (free), two copies of IDW, and one copy each of UWC and WHTF (99c ea).  On the bright side, the rankings thing on Amazon is finally moving again, so here's hoping it equates to residual sales and page reads in KU.  WIOH reached #91 in free urban fantasy, so yay.  That usually helps.  :shrug:

I didn't post a Reading Wrap-up yesterday because, frankly, I forgot.  Honestly, though, I didn't really have anything to talk about.  I didn't finish a book last week - just DNF'd one, which was annoying.  Then I picked up a SF and finished that last night.  I'll talk about it all next Saturday.

In baking news, I made a batch of Peanut Butter & Cocoa Oatmeal Cookies.  Hubs was jones'n for something chocolate, so tada.  

On the activity front, I walked 3 days for 2.55 miles worth, then yesterday, I cut down my lilac bush with this nifty new hand saw thingie I bought.  (Poor Linus.  He up and died this year, all but one lonely trunk and 3-4 suckers.  I left all that, hoping to resurrect him.)  It was quite the upper body workout and I'm feeling it today.  I haven't weighed myself.  I don't need that kind of negativity... LOL.

I can't think of anything else from this past week worth talking about, so feel free to go on about your day.  And if you want to, drop a comment and tell me about your week.  I hope it was a good one.  If not, we can commiserate. :hugs:

1 comment:

  1. YAYAYAYAYAYAY! Go you! Can't wait to read it no matter what you end up calling it. Very proud of you for hanging in there and getting it done. Sometimes, it helps to edit one, write another. Keeps the editing fresh. If you read the thing too many times in a row, the brain misses the oopsies. At least that's what happens to me.

    I'm plowing through MM:B. I'm working on Chapter 39 and am somewhere over 125K words. It ain't gonna be ready for release by Labor Day, but maybe I can at least have it ready for a heavy edit before sending it off to beta readers. *makes puppydog eyes**

    We watched soccer. Luckily, it was an early game so didn't melt. No soccer this coming weekend due to holiday.

    I finished one or two books, shelved another because a library hold came in. It's called THE LOST STORY by Meg Shaffer. It's sort of like Lion, Witch & Wardrobe only set in present-day West Virginia and the lost kids are now adults. I'm enjoying it so far. It has a kind of Princess Bride vibe with a narrator who "intrudes" from time to time, but the reader has no clue who the narrator (who breaks the 4th wall) actually is. At least not so far and I'm about half-way in.

    Not much else in my world. Still opressively hot here but weather gurus promise a break for the long weekend. I need to stay off the internet and computer games so I can write/edit more. First, though, more coffee. I'd tell you what cup I'm on but I've lost track. LOLOL

    Have a great week!
