Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday Update - Week 17

 Seventeen weeks into 2021 and it's getting weirder by the day.  By the way, it's National Zucchini Bread Day.  As if it wasn't weird enough to have that day in freakin' April, I went looking for info on it and one site says zucchini bread was invented in the '60s by hippies.  Umm...  I think my grandmother was making zucchini bread way before that.  (It also said that's when banana bread was invented.)

Anyway, it wasn't the best writing week I've ever had, but writing did happened, so that's a win.  4332 words for the week.  And then I hit a mental block.  I figured it out last night when I should've been sleeping.  I need to delete the end of that last scene and the block should disappear.

I tried to do some marketing, because the Model Curse books are on sale, but I got crickets and then I got discouraged.  Then I went crickets.

Only one book read last week, mainly because I'm still working my way through that NF.  

It was kind of a baking bonanza, though.  I make drop biscuits, oatmeal raisin apple cookies, and chocolate walnut upside down cake.  

I did something active 6 days out of 7, but not hugely active things.  Spot cleaning, some yardwork, a little gardening, and fishing.  Weight 184.6.

Tuesday we got snow.  Heavy, wet snow. 

I was out there in it trying to knock snow off the cedars and the bushes and my plants, because the snow was heavy enough to drag everything toward the ground.  I got super wet and freakin' cold and it was an exercise in futility.  Although, I think it saved the peonies, so that's something.  All of our black walnuts trees are hurting.  Their new leaves couldn't take the cold and nearly all of the leaves are black and curled up/crunchy now.  The big trees will survive.  The little trees?  Time will tell.  

My container garden was inside, so it's all good.

I finally got my filing done.  I don't think I filed anything after the chaos started, so there were months worth of bills in a stack on the top of my printer/scanner.  I can see the top now!  Yay.  

The windows still aren't finished.  I did another third of them and then my arms said 'oh, hell, no'.  I'll get the last three windows done today - the spare room and Hubs' bathroom.  Then I can cross that off my to-do list until Fall.  

And I'm still playing poker.  I'm around 42 million now.  

I think that's it.  There may have been other stuff.  I'm kind of manic right now, using busyness to avoid the news and the world.  

How are things going for you?  


  1. We got the freeze, ridiculous windchills, and rain. You can have the snow.

    My lone peony that blooms has sprung up quite tall and appears to have two buds. Most of my stuff is showing signs of life but I may lose some nandinas and the crepe myrtles. Those would make me sad. The crepe myrtles, not the nandinas. The CMs are over 60 years old.

    I sat down to write yesterday, got some words down, got distracted. I now have a new backsplash and a nap to show for my avoidance.

    Had Stormy time Thursday. I'm just playing chauffeur but it's fun to talk to him. I get him for the next 5 Thursdays for his Jedi Masters Snapology class--sort of a STEM class with Legos. He loves it.

    FYI, I have two new mottos: Go home, Mother Nature, you're drunk! and Go home, world, you're drunk too!

    There's not enough coffee in the world. Just sayin'...

    And on that note, since I'm going on short sleep, I'm going to try to get some more words done and my blog set for tomorrow before the caffeine stops working and I start napping.

    Cheers to a great week for us all! ☕ (in case the emoji comes out gobbledygook, that a coffee cup I'm virtually toasting with.) LOL

  2. Yay for words and for breaking through the word-block!

    Yikes to snow! I hope all your little leaves regenerate.

    Wash windows... Rats. Adding that to my spring cleaning list, but it probably won't get done. There's not enough coffee in the world for spring cleaning as it is!

    My tiny plum and apricot trees are still doing well. I haven't murdered my baby squash, but they aren't growing, either. We're supposed to hit the low 80s this week, so maybe that will wake them up. :-)
