I finally checked the last things off my to-do list yesterday. As a result, there's a new remote control in the mail (ours had a couple buttons that don't work anymore) and there's a guy from the phone company coming to figure out why we have static in the line and, hopefully, fix it. Oddly, there was static in the line when I called the office and when I called DirecTV to get the remote, but no static in the line when I called the phone company to report static in the line.
We've had static in the phone line on and off for about a month. Yeah, I procrastinated the hell out of that call. And hey, why does it always have to be me that calls about that stuff? Couldn't one of my neighbors call? So part of my waiting was to see if anyone else would bother. Umm, no. Their laziness outwaited my stubbornness. Bastards.
I had all my zucchini and carrot plants out on the deck. Then yesterday morning we got a sploosher, so there I was dragging all those pots back into the garage so my baby plants wouldn't get drowneded. They'll go back out later today when this system passes through. At some point, they're going to have to stay out there even through the splooshers because there's no way I'm dragging all those zucchinis back into the garage.
According to Hubs and our rain gauge, we got 4 inches of rain in this system. Sploosh.
I don't know what the hell my fingernail just accidentally touched, but suddenly I had a whole big sidebar thingie here that looked like programming language and junk. Eeek. Luckily, I could exit it easily. They really ought to warn people about that shit.
I was over 44 million in poker and hit a string of bad luck during which I dropped 800K in chips. Beats so bad that I actually banged my head on the desk. I mean, when you flop the nuts and go all in and they need runner runner to beat you and they make the runner runner, that's horrific. And it happened twice inside ten minutes. So, that was 400K out the window and then little beats here and there ate the other 400K. (Yes, I understand most of you won't have any clue what I'm talking about there. Sorry.)
In happier news, I've added 6200 words to Duke #2 this week. So twisty. Not only do I have no clue about who dun it, I have no clue who the bodies are. Hehe. It's so much fun finding out.
And that's all I've got today. What's on your this-n-that radar today?