Monday, September 27, 2021

Still Not Dead

I know I've been absent a lot lately.  Sorry about that.  The end of this adventure is near and I should be back to some semblance of normal soon.

Today should be the last packing day.  Tomorrow the U-haul arrives and we load that.  Wednesday the movers arrive to take all the large stuff and I clean the house.  That should be it for me.  The new owner takes possession on Thursday and they take possession of their new house then, too.  Yay.

I'll probably be toast Thursday through Sunday, so don't expect great things.  If you don't see me before then, see ya next Monday.


  1. If you look in the pictionary for the definition of "Good Friend", it'll be your picture next to it! I know you'll miss your friend but I also know you're looking forward to getting your own life and schedule back to normal. Gold stars in your crown, m'friend.

    Pop up to wave once in awhile so we know you're still breathing! Other than that, veg out, play poker, maybe go fish, and hopefully find your reading mojo. You've worked/are working hard for your friends. You deserve some "B.E. time!" Hang in there.

    Later, tater.

  2. I'm glad to read you're still surviving the move! I agree with Silver, you are one Good Friend!
