Let's just say it wasn't a great week, k? The world's gone mad and I'm even more inclined to crawl into my hermit hole and pull really big rocks over the entrance.
This said, is it any wonder there's no writing or editing or marketing in the update again this week?
I only finished one book in time for last week's Reading Wrap-up, and I finished one yesterday afternoon. Go me.
Because of the swollen lake, there was no fishing. All my spots are underwater and the one spot where I can fish has no shade.
I was active 5 out of 7 days - yard work, walking, grocery shopping (which totally counts when you're pushing a full cart) - but I gained about a pound. I need to cut back on the snacks and the size of my portions again. Weight: 177. Still down 5.6 pounds for the year, but up 4.4 from my low in March.
The only baking I did was a batch of granola bars. Oh, and I made a pizza. I think I overworked the dough, though, so it wasn't exactly my best pizza crust. :shrug: We're out of oatmeal cookies, which Hubs totally loves. Unfortunately, it's getting hot, so baking is not high on my list of things to do right now. I'll probably still get him his cookies. As long as I can be done with them first thing in the morning. Not today. But soon.
Speaking of heat, mid-90s is a bit ridiculous for early June, wouldn't you say? Ah, well, it's supposed to drop back into the 80s this coming week. Poor Owl, having to be here over the summer. She isn't acclimated to this and our spare room faces west for a full blast of afternoon sun.
Mom got back to the office this past week. Thankfully, Sis had been holding the fort all that time, so it wasn't total spazz-ville. Luckily, through all this, Mom's a roll-with0it kind of gal.
I think that's about it for me. How did your last week go?
Ditto. I had to turn off all the news. Sadly, I've resorted to marathons of "How It's Made" because I seen all the other stuffs.
ReplyDeleteI had a cop bleep his lights at me and then wave with a smile as he passed while I was turning. He liked my thin-blue-line stickers on the back window.
Soccer yesterday. Got smart and put on sunscreen. No burn this week. We left Jake at home because 3 hours in the hot 90-degree sun is hard on furry doggos.
I did get a nap in. Not sure why the heck my body clock is being weird. This 4:15 a.m. tee time is ridiculous. Happened again today but I managed to doze of, albeit lightly, until 6:45 when I swear I heard someone knock on the glass storm storm. Two taps. Bam-bam. No one there. I decided it was Loki chasing a fly in my bedroom window. Cats!
Found some oops in the upcoming release. Fixed. Final-FINAL read through and then front and back matter updates and it's ready once the cover is delivered.
That's about it for me. Hang in there. Hope the hot weather draws down the lake and then cools off so you can go fishing. Fans help tremendously in west-facing rooms. Here's to a better new week for us all!
It's mid-90s here, too, and they're talking about 102 for Tuesday. Yuck.
ReplyDeleteMom heard a health program this afternoon, and now she has a long list of new supplements for us to take. Sigh. Though if they help with RA, I'm willing to try them.
Got more done on the dressmaking book than expected. Yay!
But it's already 100 pages long, without illustrations, and I have 9 years left to cover. Uh, oh!