Saturday, June 6, 2020

Saturday Reading Wrap-up - 6/6/20

Hello again.  Well, I wasn't exactly burning through the pages this week, but I wasn't DNF'ing books either, so it's all good.

No new books of any kind.  Gah.  St Vinny's opened, but you can only go in if you're wearing a mask and I don't need used books bad enough... yet... to subject myself to that.

Books Read:

46) The Surrey Stalker by BL Pearce (6/1/20) - Suspense* - 4 stars.  New to me, but loads of ratings, even if it has less than 50 reviews on Goodreads.  Free from the ENT newsletter.
Review: "Very enjoyable read. Interesting premise. Thrilling. I liked the end of the plot - which was satisfying - but not the end of the book. It was probably just me."

Like I said, no DNFs this week.

Currently reading...  an urban fantasy of sorts.  At least it was billed as an UF when I snagged it.  It reads more like paranormal mystery to me.  Interesting premise.  Likeable characters.  I'm about halfway through and it's looking like a 5-star.  As long as it doesn't throw something at me at the end, that is.

Okay, your turn.  How did your reading week go?

1 comment:

  1. 3 books for me this week, with one I'll finish later today so including it for a total of 4. I'm at 95 books on the year, 10 books ahead on the year.

    95 - Silver Silence (Psy-Changling Trinity #1) Nalini Singh, Paranormal SciFi, 5 stars because of BEARS! And the heroine's name is Silver. 🤣 Fav series and author, comfort reread and prep for new release.

    94 - Allegiance of Honor (Psy-Changling #15) Nalini Singh 5 stars, see above, except no bears.

    93 - Betrayal in Death (In Death #12) JD Robb, Futuristic cop, 4 stars. Fav series and author and part of a slow comfort relisten to the whole 50+ series.

    92 -Interlude in Death (In Death #11.5) JD Robb, Futuristic cop, novella. 4 stars. See above.

    Boring for others since nothing new but chicken soup reads in a mad, mad world for me. Will be moving on to Nalini Singh's OCEAN LIGHT later this afternoon. Happy reading! 📚
