Eh, I'm dropping the 2022 out of the subject. If you don't know what year it is, check the date of the post.
Anyway, here's the week that was...
In writing news, I took two days off after I finished the last edit pass last Saturday and then dove into the next pass. I'm making good but slow progress, and I'm really liking the results. I'm through pg 14 and that's the first chapter.
A lot of my time this week was devoted to making a cover and finding a title. I spent 8 days straight making the cover, but I got it done. Then the title was giving me some trouble. I thought I had one, but then I got a different idea. Which then led to a different idea. I'll talk about that and show you the cover tomorrow on Outside the Box. Or maybe I'll show you the iterations and let you vote. We'll see.
On the reading front... well... since I was doing the cover thing and I'm using my Kindle to edit, I didn't read much last week. :shrug: Sometimes that's how things go.
In baking news, I made pizza, zucchini bread, and granola bars. I also made one brick of suet -because we were out and I didn't feel like going to the store. Have to feed the little birdies, doncha know.
As for activity, I managed 5 out of 7 days. Two days working in the woods and one day walking around in the woods. I had one day where we actually took a real, bonafide walk - the first of the year. And one day I finally vacuumed the office. Weight: 183.4.
The woods work this week was heavy-duty. We're pulling logs out of the piles we've made over the past 8 years. Some of those logs are under a boatload of smaller sticks and branches, so we have to dig down for them. Lots of bending and lifting and throwing. After which, we're dragging or carrying the bigger logs up the hill. Nothing smaller than say 3-4 inches in diameter. Hoo-wah, them suckers are heavy. Of course, I had to go and get my feet all tangled and went down on my ass. Since I usually only fall once a year, I figure get it out of the way early, eh? Other than some scrapes, I'm fine. I didn't even get any bruises. Yay!
Eventually, there will be no more downed logs on our property. Then we'll tackle the dead trees that are still standing. After that? I may pester the neighbor to let us take care of the downed trees on his property. But that'll be way down the road. Especially since we don't do any of this when the weather is warm.
I think that's about it. The rest of my life is just more of the usual. Boring stuff. How are things in your life?