We're almost done with 2021. Yay! That's the great thing about the end of one year... There's always hope for next.
This past week... the week of Christmas... went about as expected. I did some editing, but not as much as I would've liked. I got thirty-seven pages done and added about 300 words. I'm at pg 116 out of 351 pages now. I spent part of Friday undoing some things I did book-wide because I got to a part where the changes didn't make any sense, so I undid them.
I uploaded 5 books to Draft 2 Digital. There are only 4 books still wide with Amazon - the SCIU books and Project Hermes. If you haven't read them in KU, you better get started. DE and EG drop out on Tuesday and Wednesday respectively. FG drops out on January 14th and PH drops out on 1/20.
It was a pretty good reading week, but with Christmas, my update was delay to tomorrow. I hope to finish the book I'm currently reading today so it can go on that update, too. We'll see.
On the baking front, I did cake cookies with chocolate stars pressed into the middles and another pumpkin cheesecake. (Note, do not buy cheap brown sugar again. It's missing flavor.) I also did a stuffed turkey tenderloin, a pot roast, and yesterday's big ol' ham. Wow, that ham was amazing. If you can find the, I totally recommend Frick's Meats... a company name that lends itself to my calling it 'the best frick'n ham'. (I think it's a waste the company doesn't use that slogan. Hubs says it's in poor taste and they don't want their hams to taste poor. Ba dump bump.)
In activity news, we spent four days this week working on the front flower bed. It's all dug up and new dirt/fertilizer/etc. has been added. Hubs has about 2/3rds of it turned so the new dirt mixes with the old. He'll do that to the rest of the bed today. I also did a little cleaning. Weight: ? I'm not crazy enough to weigh myself right now.
One day this past week was spent driving to the county seat, so we could visit the title company and close on our new strip of land. .32 acres worth. It was our Christmas present to each other. This coming week, we plan to take our pretty pink string and run the property line, drive a few stakes in... you know, mark our territory. Part of the problem with that is a few large trees that have fallen across the line. We'll figure it out. We always do.
This coming week ought to be filled with year-end stuff. I never did work on those spreadsheets like I wanted to earlier in the month, so I have to do them now. And I have to clean. I've been such a toad about cleaning lately and the dust is starting to pile up to the point that I got sick of it and did some spot cleaning yesterday afternoon. Gah. Christmas cleaning? No one is supposed to clean on Christmas. Hell, I didn't even do the dishes. Which I need to do right after I get this post finished. LOL
Anyway, I hope you all had brilliant holidays and I hope the end of the year does right by you. If not, there's always next year. :hugs:
What were you up to last week? Get anything good from Santa?
Happy Boxing Day!
ReplyDeleteChristmas was low key. LG and I didn't rush to presents. He had a bad night (partially his health issues, partially Old Boone's) and he fell back asleep so I let him be. Not like we had anyplace to be, afterall. We did end up with an extra present that belongs to Baseball Boy, and one my stocking stuffers ended up with them. There's one more package coming for Stormy, which should arrive tomorrow so we'll make trades then. Santa had some supply chain issues. 🤣
Only tested negative, again. She and Stormy are getting tested again today. I think she's ready to go back to work. 🙄
Got my clothes cabient cleaned out yesterday to make room for the overload of new tees LG gifted me. Local thrift store is getting a huge bag. I really need to do my closet too. Maybe this week.
Ran into a SNAFU on getting bRIDE'S MOON ready for D2D. Long story. Won't bore you here but will cover my my Monday blog.
We had turkey sandwiches and pecan pie, after a breakfast of cinnamon rolls. It was a great food day. 😋
Haven't don't much reading. Too much "together" time and other stuff. I still hope to make my challenge. We'll see. I have to clear 4 books between now and Friday midnight. Since I'm usually asleep by about 9:30... 🙄
That's pretty much it for me. Off to completely read/compare BRIDE'S MOON so it's ready to go ASAP.
Enjoy your Sunday! Later, tater. 🥰
I love 'the best frick'n ham' and your hubby's joke! They made my evening. :-D
ReplyDeleteFor Christmas, I got myself four "new" Victorian magazines. I can't wait for them to get here!
Only one illustration to go and I'm done with 1882. Hooray!