Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday Update 9/1/24

Good Morning.  It's a whole new month, but let's wrap-up the old month, eh?

I didn't do anything writerly last week.  (That kinda reminds me of the scene in History of the World, Part One when Mel Brooks' character is applying for unemployment as a stand-up philosopher - "Did you bullshit last week?")  I did think about what I'm going to be doing next and the odds-on favorite is another Duke Noble.  I mean, from a sales standpoint, if I can crank out a bunch of these in a row, they'll sell better.  At least, that's the theory.  My other thought is doing the next book in the Shroudlands series.  I would need to start over, of course.  What I've already written isn't thrilling me.

I didn't do any marketing last week other than to set up a sale that starts today.  This morning, I hit all the FB Groups with the following ad: "For the first time ever, get my epic YA fantasy - SONG OF STORM & SHROUD - for only 99c."  Not the most scintillating marketing copy I've ever written, but I had just gotten up and the coffee hadn't kicked in yet.  Anyway, the sale goes through to the end of Saturday, so if you haven't read SSS yet, now's the time.

And hey, if you've ever read any of my books and liked them, if you could drop a review at Amazon, I would be eternally grateful.  Poor SSS only has one review.  =o( (On the brightside, it's a 5-star )

In reading news... well, you can go to yesterday's post for most of that.  I did finish another book yesterday, but that'll be on next week's wrap-up.

On the activity front, I got in 3 walks for just over 3 miles and I vacuumed the entire house (which is no mean feat).  I also ate like a horse, so the weight went up - Weight: 171.4

I made more pizza.  Hubs thinks I've achieved 'professional pizza' status.  I should've taken a picture so you can bask in the glory that is my homemade pizza.  There's still one piece left, which by rights belongs to Hubs.  If he doesn't eat it today, though, all bets are off.

This week, I noticed several message requests on FB.  They were all scammers wanting to sell me publishing services.  I've never had that happen before, so I guess I've arrived.  LOL  (Yes, they're all blocked now, but I didn't delete the messages.  They're kinda funny.)

Okay, well, I guess that's it for me today.  If I think of anything else important, I'll add it later.  Time for more coffee.  And maybe a walk.  have a great day.  Oh, and if you're so inclined, leave a comment and let me know how your week went.

1 comment:

  1. You had a busy week despite no writing. I always leave reviews of your books on the 'Zon and GR. Love them! Write whatever "feels" good. Good luck on the sale. 🤞🏼 Why am I sorta hungry for pizza now?

    My week? It was. I did, undid, redid, thought about it, undid, redid and finally did again on the WIP. I'm up to chapter 42 and sadly no end in sight so I'm going to bust my deadline. 😞 At least I"m still making progress. 👍🏼

    I've been on a bit of a listening roll as you know from your post yesterday. Gonna have to up my reading goal which is a good thing.

    No soccer this week. And other than a trip to Starbucks, no dealing with the real world. Yay but I feel a bit guilty. Anyway... Ice cream this afternoon which is a yay!

    Somehow, the morning has slipped away. I should probably go fix some real food for lunch because waiting until 3 for ice cream is pushing my blood sugar levels.

    Life is boring. This is not a bad thing. Have a good holiday tomorrow and remember that means that the lake people will be leaving ASAP! Later, tater.
