Monday, September 30, 2024

Sick of Myself

This is the last day of the month and as I look back, I realize what an utter toad I've been.  Frankly, I'm sick of myself right now.  Which means I need to change something.  I'm a firm believer that when you see something you don't like about yourself, you need to change it, so there you go.

Starting today... because why wait until tomorrow... I'm going to stop being such a toad.  I am going to get back to writing and editing and cleaning my freakin' house and getting some exercise.  And I'd better do what I say I'm going to, or I'll have myself to answer to.  We don't want that.  I'm a bitch to answer to.

First things first, I did the damn dishes.  Yeah, I did all the dishwasher dishes last night, but I left the hand wash dishes.  Those are now done.  What's next?  No clue, but it'll be something.  Dammit.

1 comment:

  1. 🤗 You got this and I totally get where you're coming from. Right now, I'm steaming over stupid FB. I HATE that place but what choice to I have. The other sites need constant content and video crap. That's not me. So, I'm going to sulk and open the MS and get back to work. Gotta a MD appt after lunch so I need to get a chapter in now while I can then go get ready. Maybe I'll be able to squeeze in a second chapter before we leave. Hang in there, m'friend. You got this!
