Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Deep Thoughts for a Tuesday

"If you have to apologize for something more than once, it's a behavior.  Don't apologize, change the behavior," I say to myself as I get ready to type 'I'm sorry' once again for not posting regularly.  Derp.

I'm seeing things around the webz that make me go 'Hmm'.  (And yes, I did have this song in mind when I wrote that.)  A lot of the things have to do with politics.  Some of the things have to do with writing or publishing.  They all make me scratch my head and wonder what the hell is wrong with people.

I saw a funny meme that I wanted to share, but FB had removed it between the time it showed up in my newsfeed and when I went to share it.  Why?  Probably because it actually spelled out the word Fucking instead of replacing the U with a *.  Means the same thing, derpy dudes.  Everyone from like 3rd grade on up knows what the f*cking means, so why be all 'oh my goodness, I need a fainting couch' about it?

Personally, I'm more offended by rampant stupidity than by swearing.  

People who use till to mean until instead of 'til irritate me.  You're shortening a word.  Use the apostrophe - don't add another letter to the end.  =op

Yesterday, I was watching that 'after the first 48' show.  (Not sure of the name, too lazy to look.)  There was this lady whose son was shot down in cold blood.  Her oldest son had been killed the same way a couple years before.  She was actually advocating for the man who murdered her second son to get leniency because she could tell he was really remorseful.  Derp.  Oh, well, she's still got two other sons.  They'll probably die in some violent crime, too, because it's attitudes like hers that keep the cycle going.  

Justice = equal treatment across the board. For EVERYONE. You get the same treatment as I do as Johnny Celebrity does as Percy Poorfolk does.  Know justice, know peace.  Ya know?

I'm full of piss and vinegar this morning. LOL, I'm actually in a pretty good mood.  I'm jus' sayin'.

1 comment:

  1. You can be full of piss-n-vinegar and still be in a good mood. Just sayin'... It's like picking a fight so you can get the Grrrs out of your system. 😁

    So...they can encourage K-12 to mutilate their bodies due to alleged gender dysphoria but we can't use "fucking" in a meme? Got'cha. Memo: Dear Autocorrect, It's never DUCK. (and yes, I have a meme for that too! 🀣 )

    I have lots of stupid memes. Not memes that are stupid necessarily but memes that reference stupid people.I should start sharing them. I keep thinking I should do a #MemeOfTheDay on my personal page. 😡

    LG asked me what I wanted to drink tonight when we play Debate Bingo. I told him even with 3.2 beer, we'd be drunk before the end of the first question. I should go check our supply of popcorn too. 🍿🍺

    Re: Justice. Didn't you get the memo? Justice only applies to those who agree with those who currently occupy the Swamp. That also applies to free speech. ⚖

    I have decided I'm probably too old for politics. I just grab my cane and yell "Get off my lawn!" at the TV. 😠

    Dang. I should copy and paste this for a future Friday Free-For-All post on my blog. 🀣

    And on a more personal note, I figure you've probably heard that Jen's new grandbaby arrived yesterday morning, all doing well. πŸ₯° Break times is over. Back to the words... ✍🏼
