Friday, September 20, 2024

Losing Trees

So, the electric company is in the neighborhood cutting down trees.  I can already hear the chainsaw.  Soon, they'll bring in the big machines with the telescoping pole that has its own circular saw on the end.  They were in here yesterday, too.  We spent the whole day waiting for them to take out our trees.  

Last week or the week before, someone from the electric company stopped by to let us know they'd be coming through.  They left the option to us whether they'd be trimming the trees back 10-15' from the power lines or they'd be taking the whole trees out.  We opted to have the trees removed rather than be butchered and die later.  The last time they trimmed, it took a while for those poor trees to recover.  This time I'm sure they wouldn't make it anyway.

They'll be removing my little black cherry tree and two little elms.  The trees are about 15-20' tall, so 'little' is subjective.  We're debating on what to do with the wood and some of that will depend on whether we can get them to avoid hacking the trucks into a mess.  We'll see how that goes.

I know I seem kind of blasé about this, given my love of trees.  Considering that we were without power for several days at the end of May, I'm not really all that harshed over it.  I wish it could be otherwise, but it is what it is.  Hubs and I knew this would have to happen.  Hell, we would done it ourselves, but we weren't interested in potentially electrocuting ourselves should a branch hit the power lines and send electricity shooting down to whatever portion of the tree we were touching.  These dudes have the skill and the equipment.  Let them do it.  

I may plant new trees farther up the yard where they won't grow to endanger the power lines.  Maybe another black cherry.  Perhaps a dogwood or a redbud.  I already have a cedar we'll be planting in another part of the yard once it's big enough to be safe from the deer.  

Today, I'm going to buy like 10 mums for the front garden.  Maybe that'll take the sting out.  

Bye baby cherry.  Bye little elms.  =o\

1 comment:

  1. We have a dead "something" tree in the back/side yard. Our house is kind of cattywampuss. The "back" yard--as in what's right outside the back access door--is about 10 feet wide, narrow to six feet of concrete work space leading to north/driveway gate. To the south, the 10 feet opens into an actual yard which is technically on the side. Anyway, there's a big ol' dead tree out there that'll cost several hundred to get down due to houses and fences proximity. Also, the red ash trees that line the back area have crinkled the concrete.

    Anyway, sometimes, trees gotta go. Either people don't realize how big they'll grow when planted under/around power lines or the power company doesn't plan around existing trees when they put in lines. Sad but true. I hope you'll replace the black cherry. Those are cool trees!
