Sunday, September 29, 2024

Sunday Update 9/29/24

My life is pretty boring right now.  I'm not writing.  I'm not reading.  I'm barely editing.  

With regard to editing, I'm up to 29% of the book with edit notes.  I'm getting about a page of notes with every 2-3% of the book.  This is what comes of a dirty draft, but there's no other way I'd rather write, so there ya go.

In marketing news, I did the whole FB Group thing for my freebie offering of Blink of an I.  I moved 78 free copies.  I'm also getting some page reads for Blink, which means money in my pocket.  Not a lot, but it's better than a sharp stick in the ass, so yay.  I also have someone reading Wish in One Hand, which I assume is leftover from my marketing push for that last month.

I made a chocolate oil cake yesterday.  After I took it out of the oven, I slathered it with warm raspberry jam.  Once it cooled, I frosted it with vanilla buttercream.  It wasn't amazing, but it was pretty damn good.  Next time, I'll use more jam.  

My activity level is not where it needs to be.  I know how to fix that, but I am stuck in the lazies.  Anyway, I did a little raking in the driveway after a sploosher washed a bunch of pea gravel into the yard.  I also spent time working with Hubs to saw up the logs the electric company left.  We spent about 3 hours total on that over 2 days.  And we took one walk.  I'm up to about 49 miles walked for the year.  Weight: 172.6

Speaking of the logs, two guys with the electric company came by on a UTV and asked us if we needed help.  We assented.  It took one of them less than 5 minutes to completely saw that elm trunk into firewood.  He had a chainsaw, of course.  We'll still need to split it once it seasons, but those guys really took a lot of the work out of the task.  Yay.  We thanked them profusely and then threw all the logs into the wheelbarrow and transported them under the house for drying.

With the fall migration underway, we're seeing a lot of birds we don't usually see.  I can't remember the names of the exact species, but it was a couple of warblers new to me.  We're also hearing more geese.  I love migration time.  

The deer here are starting to separate for the rut.  They were also absent from the yard because of the tree cutting activity, but this is typical fall activity.  The fawns are now spotless.  =o(

Okay, I think that's it for me.  Feel free to leave a comment and tell me about what's going on in your world.  

1 comment:

  1. My world is boring too. I need to get out in the yard to trim out some stuff. Tomorrow starts big trash pick up and the city is starting on our side of town so we need to get the stuff to the curb.

    I'm about 1/3 of the way through MM:B edits. I keep finding little things to fix, update, change, but nothing major. That's a good thing.

    We need rain. I wish we'd gotten a sploosh.

    I need to find a book to listen to. I have one from the library and it's okay but it hasn't really grabbed me. I'm starting to feel guilty because there is a wait list. A short one, granted, but there are others waiting. I may turn it in early and come back to it later.

    I actually fixed "real" dinners a couple of times this week. I want the weather to cool more so I'll be tempted to actually cook.

    Not much else going on. Sports were a bust this week. I've got DVR'd episodes of On Patrol Live and OPL First Shift playing for background noise and to get some DVR space.

    Okay. Coffee refill, litterbox, then time to get off the webz and get to work--either outside or on the book. Later, tater!
