Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday Update 9/8/24

 Good Morning.  I'm not quite awake yet, but here goes...

I got a wild idea and starting writing another book this week.  I'm 3729 words in.  The original idea was that this would be the third Duke Noble book, but I'm starting to think this would be better as the second Duke Noble, which would then shift the book I just finished writing, and am now editing, to #3.  We'll see.  

Also, I've been working a little on phase one of the edits for TTW (Duke #2... err 3).  I haven't gotten very far - only at 4% - but I'm working on it.  I think I already have like 3 pages of notes.  

I tried to do some marketing this week because SSS was on sale, but that was :sad trombone:, so I stopped.  I did sell a copy of it to someone in the UK, so not a total waste.  Also, I gave a gal at the bank one of my bookmarks and she wants a copy of BloodFlow (yeah, it's Project Hermes now, but the bookmark was old and that's the only copy I have on hand right now, so it works).  I'll get that to her later this week.  I really need to make some new marketing materials.  Blerg.

Reading...  We-ell... I did finish one book last Saturday, but I forgot to do a wrap-up yesterday, so I'll throw it on next week's.  I don't expect that to be very exciting, though, because I'm currently using my Kindle to edit and I haven't picked out a hardcopy to read while I'm writing and editing.  Derp.

On the activity front, I started out the week pretty good.  I got in three walks for almost three and a half miles.  Then I got sluggish and meh.  No walkies for the past three days, unless you count walking around the Wallyworld.  We won't talk about weight.  K?

Friday, on my way to do the shopping, I stopped in at the old office because I saw the truck for the one guy I never got to hug goodbye.  I got me some hugs from him and from my faux little brother.  Yay.  I do miss my guys.  And some of the customers.  Anyway, I chatted with people and stuff, which was nice.  And I finally remembered to take my big, metal, outdoor ashtray with me. Yay.

The deer are starting to turn gray.  The fawns are getting big and them what are boys are starting to get their antler nubs.  Lumpy's fawn is a buck.  He's the biggest fawn of them all.  Big boy.  Wuff.

Okay, that's about all the news that's fit to print here.  How are things in your world?

1 comment:

  1. Not a bad week all things considered and books will jump up and hijack you like that. Been there, done that more than once. LOLOL With no reading blog yesterday, I figured you were doing other stuff. Walmart is considered a cardio workout in my book. Walking. Pushing weight (the filled cart). Bending & lifting. And upper body/arm strength lifting. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Last week was. I kept getting sidetracked on the book and didn't make as much progress as I wanted but it is moving forward and I think that white light might be a neon sign saying The End instead of being a train. I got through several books. I'll save them for next week too. I did up my GR yearly goal from 50 to 70.

    Yesterday was siren test, family time, and good food. Today is soccer mid-afternoon. I'm doing laundry, trying to get through the intrawebz and will try to get some work done on the book.

    In other words, life as usual. Have a great week and I can't wait to hear the premise for Duke #3-2 or #2-3. LOL Later, tater.
