Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Update

 Well, hello there.  Thanks for coming back for another Sunday Update.  I was a particularly lazy toad this past week, so not really too much excitement to report.  

No writing this week.  I did about 10% worth of editing on TTW.  And I spent a goodly portion of last Sunday working on paperback issues.  The only paperbacks I haven't addressed are the OUAD novels.  I'll get to those eventually.  I also did my usual morning marketing 9/14-9/18.

Speaking of which, the numbers...  I moved 91 copies of Natural Causes during the freebie.  I also moved 4.44 copies of Accidental Death for a whopping $2.25.  Which is better than a sharp stick in the ass, but not really anything to blow your skirt up.  Woot.  We'll see in the coming days whether anyone starts reading those books in KU.  I did see where Natural Causes made it to #7 in free crime noir, so I have that going for me.

Update 8:22a:  FYI... BLINK OF AN I will be free starting tomorrow.  We'll see how that goes.

No reading this week.  I really need to get back to that, especially if I'm not going to sit my ass down and write.  Derp.

Not much baking this week.  I got a wild hair yesterday and made brownies.  It was a necessity.  Why? Well...

Hubs and I spent yesterday morning planting mums.  Six big ones and five small ones in a lovely arrangement in the front bed.  The big one are two each of yellow, orange, and purple.  The small ones are all white.  I'm hoping they all come back next year.  Afterwards, I was craving brownies, so I made them.

And the above is pretty much all my activity for the week.  Unless you count the two trips to Wallyworld and the day I moved a couple chairs.  Weight: ?

Last night, Mother Nature got a bug up her ass and gave us a thorough waterboarding.  It lasted less than an hour, but man, was that rain ever coming down.  Sploosh.  The freakin' yard looked like an abstract water sculpture done by a madman.  The drainage trench was full to overflowing, the downspouts from the gutters were shooting out water like they were fire hoses, and our front flower bed with all the new mums was a small lake.  I'm guessing between two and three inches in under an hour.  

Oh, and another thing that happened this week was the tree butchering by the electric company.  They did do a better job than when the road crew 'trims' and hacks everything to pieces, but it's still quite shocking.  They were supposed to leave us the trunks of the three trees they cut down.  They left us two 6-8 foot lengths and carted off the rest - including Max's scratching tree which I had planned to make into a staff.  Turds.  Anyway, it looks semi-apocalyptic around here right now.  Trees all over the neighborhood are gone or halved where they cut limbs away from the power lines.  It's sad.  Yeah, it was necessary.  Yeah, I shouldn't expect the same quality of tree-trimming that a landscaper would accomplish, but man... =o\

I think that's it.  Today, I need to go out into the yard and clean up from the storm.  We also need to move those trunks away from the road before some numbnuts decides they're free wood and carts them off.  (A neighbor said the electric company was telling people they could do that.  I hope they also suggested that these people ASK the property owner first, but I doubt it.)

Anyway... Have a great day wherever you are.  And feel free to leave a comment if the urge strikes you.  I may not reply to comments very often, but I read them and so do other people who wander through.  =o)

1 comment:

  1. I miss the lazy days. And yeah, that's a hard habit to break. I bet the mums look gorgeous and hopefully the deer don't nibble. Yay for moving some books. I know the feeling of looking at the dashboard and thinking, "Well, that won't buy a cup of coffee..."

    Not much going on here either. I need to finish the dang book, get it edited and out for beta/proofing. I'm now closing in on 160K. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Getting a little rain so humid but the temp is only 75. Yay for Fall! Also, bad day for football yesterday. Oh well.

    Okay, time to get off the webz and the silly bubble shooter mindless time-waster. Words to write! Later, gator!
