Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thursday This n That

I'm thinking about changing the cover for Song of Storm and Shroud.  I mean, I worked really hard on that one.  You have no idea how hard it is to make a dragon, especially when you're cobbling one together out of photos and using this part from that critter and that part from another critter.  Cobbled together so it doesn't LOOK cobbled together.  I think I did a really good job, but... Oh, I don't know.  I would think that one would have more sales.  Eh, at least you can look at it and know for certain it wasn't made using AI. lol

Yesterday, while Hubs and I were trying once more to saw that friggin' elm trunk in half, a couple young guys from the tree crew stopped and asked if they could help.  We let them.  It took them less than five minutes to not only cut the thing in half, but to cut it into logs fit for splitting and burning.  Of course, they had a chainsaw.  Yeah, yeah, we know we should get us one of them there fancy doodads.  It's on the list.  Hey, on the upside, sawing logs by hand is awesome exercise.

Mom and I were talking just now and the conversation got around to people we knew and whatever happened to so and so.  I searched a name and her obit came up.  In the obit, I saw where her sister had also passed away.  I mean, these gals were in their 80s., so not that big a shock.  Still, it's sad knowing all  of these old friends of the family are passing away.  Those gals were close to us at one point in time and, as sometimes happens, we all drifted apart.  I really loved their parents when I was child, but those two have been gone for a long time.  

I bought rainbow sherbet.  It sounded good.  And now I remember why I don't buy rainbow sherbet.  I hate lime flavored stuff.  Actual lime?  I have no problem with that.  Lime flavored stuff tastes like soap to me.  

The other day I was trying to come up with something interesting to do with ground pork and came up with something like fried rice that tastes pretty darn good.  I used part of a seasoning packet from pork ramen noodles, ground ginger, onion powder all sprinkled over ground pork that had been browned with finely diced carrots and celery.  Mixed in some rice.  Yummers.  I have leftovers, so that's what I'm having for lunch today.  

If you haven't watched the new show High Potential, I highly recommend it.  Of course, the silly gits had to put the damn show on at 9pm, so now I have to stay up late on Tuesdays.  Oh well.  It's not like I have to get up for work or anything.

Okay, I should probably get to doing something constructive.  These books won't sell themselves and I still have two days left of my Blink of an I giveaway.  

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I remember how hard you worked on that cover. Maybe change the color? Or add some colors? Yay for helpful dudes! I'm assuming Hubs is better with power tools that LG. We put fire rescue and ER on notice when he picks one up. 😉 Yummy new dish. Had to goodle High Potential. I remember seeing a commercial for it but couldn't remember what it's about. My brain...what can I say? I may have to stream it or something. I so seldom watch MSM (MainStream Media) channels except for sports. And local news. I enjoyed Matlock on CBS Sunday night. It'll be on Thursday nights at some point in October. We'll see if I remember to watch. 🙄

    I finished the first draft of the dang book. I'm not kidding when I say it's a behemoth. I'm considering actually including a character list so readers can keep everyone straight. I am definitely including a list of characters and their books/series that are linked. I gotta hook new readers somehow.

    Up until yesterday, I'd sold two whole books for a totale of $1.44 in royalties at the 'Zon. I've now sold 6 for a whoppin' $8.60.

    Our weather is nice but I'd sure take more rain. Cool nights and mornings with afternoons in the low 80s. I can live with that.

    We made a Wallyworld run yesterday. Jake was happy to get out and about.

    I piddled yesterday. I shouldn't have. Having a hard time jumpstarting my giveashifter this morning. Which is weird because as I lay awake at 4 this morning, I was tempted to get up and start edits and was excited. Then my left brain told my right brain to shut up and go back to sleep. I eventually did.

    Okay. A few more emails and shift through and then work. Right? Right! Later, tater.
