Well, it's Monday and in my infinite wisdom, I set up a freebie thing that starts today. I even already wrote the post, which is well ahead of my usual game. In another quirk of fate, I even got up early. And then totally forgot to do that which needed doing. So, here I am at 6:45 waiting for my email to load because that's where I put the pre-written marketing post so I wouldn't lose it.
There it is... and here it is...
I've seen so many people in various groups asking for recommendations on adult dystopian novels that I decided to offer BLINK OF AN I for free - today through Friday. (It's also free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription, but this is for the rest of us.)
Here's hoping it moves some books and gets me some residual sales.
I loved this book like damn and whoah and totally think it would make a great Netflix/Amazon/Hulu series!