Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sunday Update 6/30/24

Yay, I remembered to do this on a Sunday for a change!  :muppetflail: You have to celebrate the little successes, doncha know.

Not much to talk about in the writing sphere.  I wrote two days out of seven for 1866 words.  Tomorrow, Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo starts, so I better get over that shit in a hurry and set my ass down here to work every day.  Again, Ju-Lo-Wri-Mo is about 'no expectations' other than to write every day.  I had said something about no editing, but as Silver (who's also participating) pointed out, she's editing, too.  Like I said, no expectations.  This month is to do whatever you want to do as long as you're writing every day.  My problem is I sometimes use editing to avoid writing, so no editing for me.  Basically, Silver and I are using this month to get back into writing since we've both been on our own hiatuses for long enough that it's hard to find the groove again.  If you need this, too, join in.  It doesn't matter what you write.  It doesn't matter how many words you put down.  It doesn't matter if you get to the end of anything in the next 31 days.  Personally, I'm planning on working on the next Duke Noble for those days.  If I get stuck, though, I'll happily jump over to any of the other unfinished books I have.  Or I'll hit something totally new.  

In reading, I finished an ebook and I'm almost finished with the 866 page omnibus of Hercule Poirot stories.  I also picked up 12 new hardcopy books yesterday and a book I ordered from Amazon arrived in the mail.  So yay.  

Not much baking this week, other than I made a pan of chicken enchiladas.  We ate them for dinner one night and I have enough leftovers for two more hearty meals and one lunch.  Today, I'm planning on making apple crisp.  

On the weight/activity front, I did 4 days out of 7.  Weight: 170.4.  Yeah, I'm gaining since I stopped work.  I expected this to happen, so I'm not berating myself for it.  I need to get back to eating smaller portions and increasing my activity.  To that end, I'm going to try to start walking in the mornings.  (It's too damn hot to walk any other time of day.)  I also still have a lot of garden work to do which can also only be done in the mornings.  We'll see.  

The fawns are here.  They're all so tiny and cute.  We've seen like 3 single fawns, but yesterday, I actually saw a verified set of twins, so yay.

I'm still not fishing.  It's too damn hot to fish.  And, like I said, I'm busy with other stuff first thing in the morning which is the most likely time for fish to be biting this time of year.  Oh, well.  There'll be plenty of time to fish this Fall.

My gardens are pathetic right now.  Aside from the neglect they've suffered, we had a hard rain the other morning that knocked my new tomato plants over.  I need to cage those suckers, but that's a task for another day.  The coneflowers I bought look tragic.  They may be at the end of their growing season, which is part of it.  The other part is the deer have discovered them and have gotten over their fear of NEW THING, and they're munching on the plants now.  Derp.

Well, I think that's it for me today.  If I missed anything that you have a burning desire to get on update on, let me know.  Have a great day!  And feel free to leave a comment letting me know how your week went.  

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, the country life. Glad you are settling back in and at least have a list if not a plan. LOL Yay for fawns, words, walking, and apple crisps!

    My reread to refresh my memory on the WIP (being away from if for over six months means I've pretty much blanked my memory) is going slower than I planned. Real new words won't come until I hit the end of previously written stuffs and start puzzling out the ending and already-written snippets that need to be filled out and incorporate. This "blanking of memory" is something that always happens which allows me to reread favorite books multiple times but also means the need to reread at least a couple of previous books in the series to remeind me of "current events."

    It's been hot but supposed to be cooler--relatively speaking--today. 91 instead of 101 with a heat index of 114. Also, a slim chance of rain later!

    Energy is still low but building. I get up and take care of the cats first thing, but then go back to bed for awhile. I am doing the laundry. Still not shopp8ing but that's due to LG wanting to go with me and me wanting to take Jake. He sleeps late and but the time he's awake and ready, it's too hot to take Jake. Hot asphalt and puppy paws are bad news.

    I was 127 this morning. My doc doesn't want me much over 130 but gah! I still look skeletal. I hate feeling bones when I put moisturizer on my chest. Ugh! *shudder* That said, I am ready to plateau so I can quit force-feeding myself.

    I started drinking coffee again on Friday. I made a full pot (which is about all I can do with my Bunn coffeemaker) but I only drank two cups. Then two cups rewarmed yesterday. Today, I finished off the pot with 3 cups (I filtered a little extra water through the leftover grounds to fill out the 3rd cup.) If I don't start back to my 5-6 cups in the BIG travel mug, I may need to scrounge up the money for a single-serve K-cup type of coffeemaker. We'll see. First world problems, right?

    Okay. I have hot coffee, I've had my protein shake and my crunchy peanut butter/grape jelly toast and this is my only blog stop today. Time to get back to reading the WIP. Later, tator. And, yeah, happy to have you back!
