Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Words! On Paper!

 For the first time in a long time, I sat down last night with my red pen (found one!) and my notebook (that's been sitting by my chair untouched since I started a day-job) and...

I wrote words!

It wasn't a huge amount of words, but I filled a page with genuine fiction.

You see, I had a funny little germ of an idea the night before (also something that hasn't happened in a while) and I thought I'd noodle around with it. I sat my butt in my comfy recliner and started to write.  By the bottom of the page, my hand was pretty tired... damned atrophy... but I have the beginnings of a story.  Yay.

It's weird.  It's entirely possible no one will ever read it.  Then again, it might be good and if it is, I might know of a place who may be interested in it.  If they're not, it'll be a short story to sell on Amazon.  

But that's a long ways off.  The important thing is I WROTE WORDS!


Oh, and something else that hasn't happened in a long time... I lay in bed last night thinking about the story and what to write next. I should've gotten up and written in down because it's most likely in tatters of memory now.  :shrug:  No matter.  I was thinking about stories and writing.  Also YAY.

I can't wait to see what happens next.


  1. WOOHOOOO!!!! So happy for you! I can't wait to see what happens next too!

    On a side note, I have discovered now that I'm using the keyboard again that I need to cut my nails so that I can type easier. I'm just happy that my nails are long because that means they are growing which means I'm getting enough protein and stuff. Not enough to put on weight but enough to maintain and grow some essentials. LOL
